Blog Entries - 2022

*FREE* Food, Fun, & Resources
We cannot wait to see you on August 11th! Hear more about this fun event by watching THIS VIDEO. Thank you to ALL of the businesses, organizations, and private donors who have already given to support this event and our community. Thank you to the 30
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Mr. Gary Smith was employed by Three Rivers Local Schools from 1965-1995 at Three Rivers Middle School where he served 30 years as a coach, teacher, counselor, and administrator during his career. Please see the link to his obituary with Dennis
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Weekend Updates 2/4-2/6
All Three Rivers activities scheduled on campus or off-site have been canceled for Friday, February 4, 2022. The Taylor Freshman, JV, and Varsity boys’ basketball games scheduled with Reading are now being played on Saturday beginning with the
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Remote Learning Update
Parent Notification Letter Three Rivers Local School District (PK-12) will be remote learning beginning tomorrow, Thursday, January 13th through an anticipated return date on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. The decision to transition away from in-person
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Elementary and High School Art Collaboration
During the 2022 Summer Learning Camp at Three Rivers, teacher Ms. Ferree had so much fun helping students learn to sew pillows that she and Ms. Burichin decided to collaborate during the school year. Younger students worked with Ms. Burichin to draw
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FC Cincinnati Visits Three Rivers Elementary
FC Cincinnati returned to Three Rivers Elementary again this year. Mr. Haney, the elementary P.E. Teacher, welcomes the Foundation into his classes to provide basic skills to all of his students. "A key focus area for FC Cincinnati Foundation is access
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STEM Grant Awarded to Three Rivers Elementary
STEM Teacher, Kelly Moorman received notification that her grant proposal submitted to the 2022-2023 Ohio STEM Classroom Grant Program was approved. The project name, Excellence, Innovation and Inclusion: Everyone, Everywhere, Every Day, will
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A Bus Driver Goes the Extra Mile
At Three Rivers, the acronym STEP UP is used to identify the District's Strategic Plan and goals. Successful Students - Talented Staff - Efficient Operations - Positive School Culture - Unified for Progress All staff is reminded of the importance of
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Donuts with Dudes
On November 17th and 18th, 2nd graders welcomed special "dudes" in their life to join them for a mini-concert and quality time at Donuts with Dudes. Three Rivers Elementary Principal, Adam Biedenbach, said that "not every student has a dad present in their
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Cuneiform Writing in 1st Grade
On Wednesday, November 16, 2022, first graders in Mrs. Priore’s class learned about the cuneiform “alphabet”. When asked if anyone could remember from their recent classroom work what cuneiform was, Cole (a first-grade student) stated that
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PreK-6th Grade Literacy Night
Reading is Snow Much Fun ❄
Join us on Friday, December 9, 2022, for some reading fun.
This event is free for all of our preschool through sixth-grade families.
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2 Opportunities to Purchase Spirit Wear
Three Rivers Elementary Spirit Wear
The online store will be open through November 16th.
Click HERE to begin shopping.
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Girls Youth Basketball Clinic
The free clinic is open to all girls in grades kindergarten through sixth grade. Shirts will be available for $20 and all proceeds will benefit the girls basketball program.
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A Parent's Words to Mr. Tom!
At Three Rivers, we strive to create an environment where students are safe and feel supported. Every employee is expected to value our Strategic Plan that focuses on the acronym STEP UP: Successful Students, Talented Staff, Efficient Operations, and Positive
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Knights of Columbus Support TRLSD Special Education
On October 20, 2022, members from the Three Rivers St. Joseph’s Knights of Columbus visited the Three Rivers Campus. The Knights of Columbus work hard to raise money to support the Three Rivers Community. Again this year, they were kind enough to
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Veterans Day Ceremony 2022
We cordially invite all veterans to the ceremony in appreciation of their service to our country. If you are a veteran and would like to attend but did not receive an invitation, please email Becky Rueve at or call 513-824-7348.
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Elementary Celebration!
State Report Cards were released in September using the most recent star rating system. Three Rivers Local School District received impressive results. Three Rivers received five stars in Progress, Gap Closing, and Graduation (22 out of 25 stars total)
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Craft Fair
On Saturday, October 22, 2022, the Three Rivers ACCLAIM Foundation will hold its annual Craft Fair. There will be over 85 booths available and admission is FREE.
Stop by and get your holiday shopping finished early!
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Business & Family Sponsorship Opportunities to Support ACCLAIM
Welcome to the 2022-2023 Three Rivers Acclaim Drama Series! We would like to invite you to be a part of our Three Rivers Drama family by advertising your BUSINESS or FAMILY SPONSOR in our theater Showbill. All of our shows are performed in our beautiful
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Boosters Online Spirit Wear Shop Open for a Limited Time
To support the Three Rivers Athletic Boosters organization, visit the online store now through October 29, 2022.
Some items can be personalized. Click HERE to start shopping.
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Disney Moana Jr.
Disney’s Moana JR. is playing at The Bruce and Margaret Knapp Performing Arts Center from Thursday, November 10th through Sunday, November 13th (dates and times listed below). The 60-minute musical adventure, designed for Kindergarten through 12th-grade
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Three Rivers Community Garden Dedication
During the summer of 2020, Three Rivers suffered a loss to the entire school community. At the age of 15, Nick Cordrey passed away. Nick was an amazing young man who showed strong characteristics in leadership, concern for others, work ethic, and
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Muffins in the Morning
On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, the Three Rivers Elementary Preschool Teachers, Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Fleek, and the staff welcomed students for the first Muffins in the Morning. Preschool students do not typically have school on Wednesdays. This event
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Road Closure Announcement
Please see the road closure announcement below from Hamilton County Engineers. For additional information including maps, please CLICK HERE.
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Trunk or Treat
If you would like to have a trunk at the event: CLICK HERE If you would like to help by volunteering at the event: CLICK
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Tony's Family & Friends Fest
All proceeds will go to PPMD to fund research for the treatment and cure of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
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There are two opportunities in October to support Diem and her family. Kick for a Cause is on October 12th. Volley for the Cause is on October 13th. All proceeds from both events will go directly to Diem and her family. Diem is a seventh-grade student at
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Three Rivers Community
Please consider joining us on September 24, 2022, for the Three Rivers Community Garden Dedication in memory of Nicholas R. Cordrey.
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Disney Moana Jr. Audition - Grades K-4
IN ORDER TO AUDITION 1) fill out the attached application with student and parent/guardian signatures and return to Ms. Hannon (B218) by Friday, September 16th 2) prepare the specified portion of the song from Moana Jr. using the included sheet music and
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Post-Pandemic Parenting Classes for Parents
Best Point Solutions is offering courses to parents to help with strategies to use with children for best practices with post-pandemic parenting. Classes are normally priced at $197 but with this discount, families can enroll for
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September Jacket Subscription
With the first couple of weeks behind us, we wanted to thank everyone for a great start to the school year. The elementary welcomed the Class of 2035 to kindergarten. The middle school had a blast at Adventure Leadership. The high school kicked off a
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Crafters Needed!
The Annual Three Rivers Acclaim Foundation's Fall Craft Fair will be held at the Educational Campus on October 22nd. Crafters are currently being accepted but space is limited.
If you would like to register, please email
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On August 25th, elementary students were invited to the auditorium for a PBIS assembly. PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is an approach Three Rivers Elementary uses to promote school safety and good behavior. The focus of PBIS is to
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Parade Entry Deadline - September 2nd
THS HOMECOMING PARADE ENTRY FORM: A Night at the Oscars Please complete the attached form if you are interested in representing your organization or club with a float for the THS Homecoming Parade. The parade is Friday, September 9, 2022, at 5:30
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TR CAN Meeting - Safety Overview
You are invited to attend a TR CAN with Superintendent, Dr. Ault Ed.D, and School Security Officer, Steve Makin. They will be providing a safety overview to all in attendance.
If interested in attending this meeting, please RSVP
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2022 Business Honor Roll Recipients
Every year the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) offers districts an opportunity to thank local businesses who support the school community throughout the year. After the deadline for applications, OSBA reviews each business nominated to determine the
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School Meals - 2022-23 Year
Dear Three Rivers Local School District Families, For the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years, the federal government has allowed a nationwide waiver for school districts to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of income status. On June
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Join Our Team!
There are a variety of opportunities to join our team for the 2022-2023 school year. If you are looking for a flexible schedule, there are opportunities to apply for substitute positions in a department that meets your interest. Looking for a
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Trunk or Treat 2022!
Did someone say Halloween???!? Blog Entry Synopsis End

Music Equipment Sale
The Three Rivers Music Department is selling Wegner Garment Racks and a set of Wegner Music Library. Please email if interested.
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ASBO's Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting
In late June, the Three Rivers Treasurer’s Office received a letter of congratulations from the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) for receiving the ASBO’s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the fiscal year ended
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Ohio Summer Food Service Program
All children ages 1 through 18 are eligible to receive free meals during the summer months at participating program sites. Individuals ages 19 through 21 who have been identified as having mental or physical disabilities and are following Individualized
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School Buses for Sale

Kindergarten Registration
If your child is going to be 5 years old by or on August 1st, make sure that you have registered them for kindergarten. Every kindergartener must be tested. We will be setting up our last testing day in early July. Any questions email Bettie
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Please click on the following link for all open enrollment information for the Three Rivers Local School District.
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Summer Office Hours at Main Campus
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
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Navigating Abre, a Parent Portal for Student MAP scores
Parent Portal to Access Student Assessments Three Rivers has a software system called Abre that helps parents with a variety of information regarding their Three Rivers student(s). One of the key features it offers is a quick and easy look at student MAP
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Annual Memorial Day Parade
The American Legion will be hosting the annual Memorial Day Parade in Cleves on May 30, 2022 beginning at 9:30 am.
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Dear Three Rivers Families, Below is a list of resources that are being provided to help families explore the new English Language Arts (ELA) materials being recommended to the Three Rivers Board of Education. The Board will be voting on this recommendation
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Coach Haag Reunion - You're Invited
Save the Date
Coach Haag Reunion
All THS graduates who played football during the Coach Haag era (1984-1991) or others positively impacted by him are invited to attend a reunion honoring Coach Haag's role in personal development.
No RSVP necessary to attend this event.
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Three Rivers Welcomes New Treasurer
On May 3, 2022, the Three Rivers Board of Education voted unanimously to hire Teri Riesenberg as our new Treasurer. Mrs. Riesenberg has served as the Assistant Treasurer at Princeton City Schools since 2016. Mrs. Riesenberg has managed the
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Boys Basketball Youth Camp

May 2022 Jacket Subscription
CLICK HERE to view the May Jacket Subscription that highlights our Successful Students, Talented Staff, Efficient Operations, and Positive School Culture. #StepUp3R Use the arrow to navigate the document. This newsletter includes the
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Cleves Yard of the Month Program
Cleves is starting a Yard of the Month Program. Students from Taylor High School have been asked to help design the official posters. Be on the lookout throughout the community at the end of May for student-made Yard of the Month posters!
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The Paleo Prince and His Dino Friends Pre Orders
Order the Paleo Prince Coloring Book Today! If you are interested in purchasing a book but do not have a student in Three Rivers School District, please email or to pre-order your books by April 29,
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ANNIE JR on Stage this Weekend!
We cannot wait to see students on stage this weekend for Annie Jr. Friday - 7:00 pm Saturday - 7:00 pm Sunday - 2:00 pm Purchase tickets online
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Three Rivers Welcomes New Administration Changes
On April 5, 2022, the Three Rivers Board of Education approved two internal moves with administration for the 2022-2023 school year. Megan Rivet and Katie Conley will both assume new roles in Three Rivers beginning August 1, 2022. Megan Rivet, who has served
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April 2022 Jacket Subscription
Click HERE to view the April 2022 Three Rivers Local School District Jacket Subscription. This edition includes the following information: Calendars Academic Achievements Athletic Achievements TRLSD Quality
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RFP Specifications – Custodial and Maintenance
1. Purpose The purpose of this RFP is to obtain proposals for custodial maintenance services at 3 buildings in one location: Location:
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Track and Field Registration
Track and Field Registration for boys and girls in grades kindergarten through sixth grade is now open.
Blog Entry Synopsis End2022 Oser-Roth Fest Angel Announcement
The Oser-Roth team has officially announced the 2022 Angels.
Individual highlights for each Angel will be released at a later date.
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13th Annual David Kreuter Memorial Golf Outing
Proceeds go to the David Kreuter Memorial Fund for Scholarships.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
2:00 pm
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TR CAN Invites You to Java Jackets
On April 7, 2022, Dr. Ault, Susan Miller, and Christina Hughes invite all Three Rivers stakeholders for an open conversation at Java Jackets.
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TRLSD Earns Top Ratings at Destination Imagination Tournament
All SEVEN Taylor Middle and Three Rivers Elementary School teams earned a bid to the state tournament! One of the Elementary teams, The Five Dudes (4th grade) earned the DaVinci award, which is the top award that Destination Imagination gives
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(*CANCELED*) Celebrate the Arts!
80's Night!
Friday, April 1st
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Treasurer Search
Three Rivers Local School District is currently searching for a Treasurer. To apply, please send a letter of interest, resume, copy of your current Ohio Treasurer License, and two letters of recommendation to: Chris Brown, BCESC Superintendent 400 N.
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March Jacket Subscription
Click HERE to view the March 2022 Three Rivers Local School District Jacket Subscription. This edition includes the following information: Calendars Academic Achievements Athletic Achievements TRLSD Quality Profile Cordrey GoFundMe Link Jacket
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Summer Programs Registration
Three Rivers 2022 Summer Learning Experiences Registration: Incoming Grades K-6 We are very excited to be able to offer the Three Rivers Summer Learning Opportunities again this summer to our families thanks to grant funding through the ESSER (Elementary
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Real Estate Agent Meeting
We would like to cordially invite all real estate agents in the Three Rivers Community to attend the 2021 Real Estate Agent Meeting.
Please RSVP to if you are interested in attending this event.
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TRLSD Receives Donation for Jacket Cares
On Thursday, February 10, 2022, Three Rivers respectfully accepted a substantial donation from Whitewater Crossing Church. Every year, the congregation identifies an outside cause to donate half of their December 24th collection. This year, the Three
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February 2022 Jacket Subscription
The February 2022 Jacket Subscription highlights many student accomplishments as well as important events at Three Rivers and around the community. To submit content, email
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Three Rivers Children’s Theatre Summer Drama Camp Grades K-8th
Click HERE to view the camp details and registration information.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndWeTHRIVE! recognizes TRLSD!

Oser-Roth & Friends Fest is Looking for Angels
Believe it or not, it is time again to select six new angels for this year. We are looking for nominations of seriously or terminally ill children who will be between the age of four and seventeen on the date of our party on July 30,
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