Blog Entries - March 2017
At Taylor Middle School, we are following the "School of Character" process for enhancing our school's culture and achievement. This process is brought to us through a partnership with the Character Council of Greater Cincinnati and Northern
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Established in 2002, the Queen City Classic Chess Tournament is a treasured Cincinnati event that gives children of all backgrounds the opportunity to compete in a chess tournament in an NFL stadium. Drawing students from as many as ten
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Three Rivers' Results:Congratulations to all of our Three Rivers Destination Imagination teams! This past Saturday, Three Rivers Educational Campus hosted the Ohio and Kentucky regional DI tournament. Three Rivers APT teams represented our
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Additional Kindergarten Registration Dates
Registration will be available again on Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 19 for parents to come in and do online forms if they have not done so already. If they have completed final forms but could not be at the registration on March11,
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Students from the elementary collected 2,200 canned goods, personal hygiene items, and packaged foods and donated these items to TRAM (Three Rivers Area Ministries). What an unbelievable feat! Representatives were chosen from each homeroom in
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Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Henderson's 2nd grade HIVE enrichment class created a parade of state floats! Each 2nd grade student researched two states. They had to create pictures that represented the state symbols, researched interesting facts about
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Willy Wonka Jr. Kids Cast
(PERFORMANCE DATES MAY 4th, 6th, & 7th)TRCT “Kids” Auditions:Thursday, March 16th & Friday, March 17thHow do I get involved? Pick up a Cast Information Packet from outside Ms. Hannon’s room (B-218) or online at
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