Return to School Plan

Please know that while much of the Three Rivers Local School District Plan indicates that decisions will be made per individual family discretion, please know the District will not tolerate bullying or harassing of any student or staff member for their beliefs and ideology regarding their personal health and safety. One of the District’s core values is to nurture inclusion; we believe that everyone should be welcomed back into a safe, friendly, and supportive school community.
While the many changes last school year were frustrating and sometimes overwhelming, some made sense for long-term planning; especially considering we are still facing new COVID cases in Hamilton County. Many of the practices and protocols that we are continuing to implement align with the Ohio Department of Health’s COVID guidance released on July 26, 2021.
PPE and Cleaning:
For the 2021-2022 school year, Three Rivers will continue to provide PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) using ESSER Funds. The District purchased hand sanitizer, sanitizer stations, cleaning supplies, face coverings, and many other items to help in reducing the transmission of the virus. We find no reason to not continue to have those items readily available to our staff and students. Additionally, the custodial team will continue to clean and sanitize throughout the school day, focusing on high-touch areas. At night, the new cleaning equipment that was purchased to sanitize during COVID last year will continue to be used. As handwashing is one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of infectious disease, students will continue to be encouraged to frequently wash their hands when possible and use sanitizer often throughout the school day.
Social Distancing:
All students and staff will be encouraged to social distance when possible. Some teachers may also leave up plastic desk shields to reduce the spread of germs. Students and staff are encouraged to wear masks when social distancing is not possible.
We are still waiting on clear guidelines for any quarantine recommendations or requirements. The District will continue to notify families, to the best of our ability, if there was a positive case in a student’s classroom, on a sports team, or in any other close contact situation. We anticipate collective guidance from Hamilton County Public Health and the Ohio Department of Health soon to help with specific quarantine information.
The same guidelines for school will remain consistent for athletics and other extracurricular activities. ODH states that students should refrain from these activities when they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and should be tested. Additionally, the use of masking and social distancing to the extent possible is recommended during indoor sports and other high-risk activities.
Three Rivers will continue to be transparent with any reported positive COVID case by continuing to update the cumulative and weekly slides found on the Three Rivers COVID-19 site.
Campus Visitors:
We ask that all visitors call and make an appointment before coming to campus. Our goal is to welcome families onto campus for as many in-person celebrations as possible; additionally, new streaming equipment is being purchased to continue live streaming events. We believe that this was something we learned to be of great value for the future of Three Rivers. We had many out-of-town family members who were able to watch their students being celebrated in real-time. Additionally, streaming as many events as possible allows for family members who are not comfortable being in public places to still be able to attend such events virtually.
Drinking Fountains and Fill Stations:
The drinking fountains will remain turned off. However, thanks to the PTO, there are now water fill stations throughout the campus. Students are encouraged to continue bringing their water bottles to school and filling them as needed throughout the school day.
Elementary students will continue to have a “grab and go” breakfast. Beginning at 8:30 am, students can pick up their breakfast bags and take them to their homeroom to enjoy. Middle school and high school students can get breakfast beginning at 7:30 am.
Face Coverings:
Three Rivers will be following the CDC’s (Center for Disease Control) guidance by recommending that anyone not vaccinated wear masks. Masks will only be required on a Three Rivers bus or van, per federal law. If any student or staff member wants to wear a mask but forgets to bring one to school, the District will provide one.
Temperature Checks:
As always, students should remain at home when feeling ill or running a fever. Three Rivers will not be requiring teachers to take daily temperature checks of students upon arrival. If students do not feel well during the school day, they should go to the school health clinic. As always, if the nurse deems the child sick or he/she is running a fever, the clinic will call a guardian to have the child picked up.
Families are encouraged to speak with healthcare providers when experiencing any covid-related symptoms. We ask that families continue to notify the District of any student who tests positive for COVID-19. This will allow other students who may have been in close contact to be notified. Anonymity is always ensured when communicating positive cases.
Backpacks and Lockers:
Although clear backpacks are not required, please default to each building's communication for specific rules. Lockers (grades 5-12) will be available for use; please see individual building communication for locker plans and procedures. Elementary students will continue to use individual cubbies for their personal items.
Three Rivers Local School District will follow mandates should they be issued by the federal government, Ohio Governor, Ohio State Health Department, or the Hamilton County Health Department throughout the year. Consequently, we know we may need to be flexible and adjust accordingly should new requirements change current plans.
We truly appreciate everyone working together to continue to do everything we can to keep students in school safely.
If anyone in your home is twelve years of age or older and interested in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine visit:
For additional information regarding COVID-19, please visit