Blog Entries - November 2022

Thankful Leaves
As part of the District's Sources of Strength Mentor Program, each new season is welcomed with a chance to engage with one another and focus on positivity and kindness. As we "fall" into the season of thankfulness, students were tasked with an activity to
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Street Law Field Trip
On November 7, 2022, the Taylor HS Street Law class went downtown for a field trip. They started the day with Judge Ginocchio and Bailiff BT Greene at the Hamilton County Justice Center to see the judge in action during arraignment court. The class then
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Taylor Band Makes School History
On November 5, 2022, the Taylor Band competed in the Mid-States Band Association Class 1A Championships. Taylor competed against 25 bands from the tri-state region. Taylor advanced to finals placing 8th with a score of 66.1 and also receiving the
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