Blog Entries - November 2016

Isabelle Murray
Isabelle Murray
Congratulations are extended to Isabelle Murray and her family as she has signed her letter of intent to swim at the collegiate level for University of Nebraska!
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Abby Rapien
Abby Rapien
Congratulations are extended to Abby Rapien and her family as she has signed her letter of intent to swim at the collegiate level for Eastern Michigan University!
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Men's Basketball Fundraiser
The Taylor Men's Basketball team is having a fundraiser to support the program. Shop online at to help raise money for the team. There are a variety of sizes and options available... they make
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Students of the Month
October Students of the Month Students are nominated for positive behavior throughout the month by teachers and staff. High School administrators and school counselors then choose a deserving student for each grade level out of that list.
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MAP Norms for Parents
A Parent's Guide to MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) What is MAP? Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a computerized assessment program that provides educators with information they need to improve teaching and learning. Educators use the growth and
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