Blog Entries - August 2016
ACT TEST PREP AND REVIEW CLASS On September 18, 2016 the University of Cincinnati Communiversity Program is hosting an SAT preparation class. An ACT preparation class begins October 9. Click HERE for full details on registration and the
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Taylor High School has agreed to pilot a new character education program called BE BOLD (Be, Overcome, Learn, Do). The curriculum for the program will include many topics that are important in the social and emotional health of our students. These
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Lion King Jr. Auditions
The Lion King Jr. Auditions IN ORDER TO AUDITION the attached application form must be completely filled out in legible handwriting, with both the student’s signature and a parent’s or guardian signature (for grades 5-8th grade). Bring back your
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Welcome Back! Taylor Middle School is off to a fantastic start. We are asking Seventh and Eighth grade parents to hold off on paying school fees until you receive a fee notice. With the difficulties we have had in Progress Book we want to make
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CHARACTER EDUCATION AT THREE RIVERS How Does Our Community View Character Education?Our goal is to get every parent, student, community member, and staff to understand the importance of character education and help to incorporate the vocabulary into their
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