Mumkin Sales 2020

It is that time of year again as the Three Rivers Elementary and Taylor Middle School kicks off their Mumkin Fundraiser. This fundraiser is one of the highest money makers for the school's PTO and Principal’s funds which both directly benefit the students.
The sale begins on 08/24/20 and ends at 11:59 pm on 09/03/20. Delivery day is scheduled for 09/15/20 and will be located in the parking lot of Crossroads Church at 8575 Bridgetown Rd, Cleves, OH 45002. Parents are responsible for the pickup of the student’s full order and delivering to the individual buyers. An email reminder will be sent approximately 3 days before the delivery day.
This year due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are doing an ONLINE ONLY sale. This makes our fundraiser Covid-19 safe and allows you to browse through all of the wonderful products being offered.