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Additional Kindergarten Registration Dates
Posted on: March 14, 2017

Registration will be available again on Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 19 for parents to come in and do online forms if they have not done so already. If they have completed final forms but could not be at the registration on March11, they can call the school office (513.467.3210) and make an appointment to bring in the necessary documents they need to have to register.
Here is a list of needed documents to bring:
- Original Birth Certificate
- Photo ID
- Current Residency Form (needs to be notarized)
- Proof of Residency
- Prior Residency Form (needs to be notarized/if applicable)
- Landlord Affidavit(needs to be notarized/if applicable)
- Immunization Records
If a parent does not have computer access, they can make an appointment to come in and we will help them set up an account or to answer any questions they might have.
Office Hours for both days will be:
8:30 to 11:30
1:00 to 3:00
Link to Final Forms: http:/taylor-oh.finalforms. com/students
Important Notes on filling out final forms. Please make sure you have the 2017-2018 school year and indicate 2030 as the student's year for graduation. Also, please make sure you check the box when registering a student that states that this is a NEW REGISTRATION. You will need both of these to be correct in order to see all the necessary forms.