Blog Entries - March 2024

TR CAN Meeting
If you are interested in attending the upcoming TR CAN Meeting, please RSVP to Superintendent, Dr. Ault at
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Taylor School District Celebrates Visit from Esteemed Alumni
The halls of Taylor School District were filled with nostalgia and excitement as three distinguished alumni returned to their alma mater for a special visit. Andrea Glendenning Hyatt, Julie Clark Linsey, and Karen Orebaugh Hanlon, all graduates of Taylor High
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Bunny Breakfast
Bunny Breakfast
Saturday, March 23rd
9:00-11:00 am
Cash, checks or online payments due by March 22nd.
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Director of Student Services
On March 5, 2024, Matt Lakamp was Board-approved to serve as the Director of Student Services (effective August 1, 2024). He will continue his role as the Student Services Coordinator for the remainder of the current school year before officially
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Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for Three Rivers Elementary is now open. Please contact Anne Miller and Nancy Herbert with any questions. Anne Miller: Nancy Herbert: 513-467-3210 CLICK HERE to download the
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