Blog Entries - March 2017

Day 7, March 27 (blog submitted by Taylor High School student, Kurt Knue) Today was spent entirely at the orphanage. After waking up at around 8:30 to the sounds of chirping parrots, we proceeded with our regularly scheduled breakfast. Our
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Day 3, March 23 Today was our first day of work. We sanded windows where the orphans lived and painted play sets within the property. It was hard work, but they gave us time to rest and fed us well. Julie is a very nice woman. Her children
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At Taylor Middle School, we are following the "School of Character" process for enhancing our school's culture and achievement. This process is brought to us through a partnership with the Character Council of Greater Cincinnati and Northern
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Established in 2002, the Queen City Classic Chess Tournament is a treasured Cincinnati event that gives children of all backgrounds the opportunity to compete in a chess tournament in an NFL stadium. Drawing students from as many as ten
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Bolivia Day 6 This morning our UNESCO group headed out for a second hike through the Andes Mountains. The trails were very narrow and steep, but scenic. We hiked for about two hours on relatively flat land until we stopped for lunch at a swimming hole. We
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March 25, 2017 - We started the day with a breakfast of bread, dulce de leche, and various fruits. We played with the kids at the home and then headed off to Samaipata to explore the Incan ruins. Tomorrow we will be touring the rest of the UNESCO World
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Bolivia Trip
Dear Three Rivers Community, As we are getting ready to begin our journey of a lifetime to Stansberry Orphanage in Santa Cruz, Bolivia through the UNESCO program in partnership with Canada, we would like to thank everyone who has helped us. Thank you to the
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Alyson Tittle chosen for Ag Day at the Capital
Alyson Tittle, Diamond Oaks Career Campus Equine Science student from Taylor High School, was among Farm Bureau members from every county in Ohio who traveled to the state capital to participate in Ag Day at the Capital – a function where Ohio Farm
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On the weekend of March 10, the Taylor High School Symphonic Band headed to Harrison High School to perform in the OMEA District XIV band contest and the Taylor High School Choir hosted, and competed, in the OMEA District choir competition. It was more than
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Additional Kindergarten Registration Dates
Registration will be available again on Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 19 for parents to come in and do online forms if they have not done so already. If they have completed final forms but could not be at the registration on March11,
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MathCounts Student to State
Lee Garber-Ford, a seventh grader, qualified for the state tournament for MathCounts. Lee finished seventh at the Cincinnati regional to qualify. Lee traveled to Columbus this past weekend to compete with the very best Math students in the state.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndLogan Heller
LOGAN TOUGH Logan Heller has done everything in his power to show just how "Logan Tough" he is since his brain tumor diagnosis in 2015. On March 10, 2017, his classmates, teachers, and staff rallied around him to show their support and
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TMS Book Battle
Congratulations to the 2017 Book Battle 1st Place Winners...
Matthew Buhrmann
Kylie Davis
Ethan Schmidt
Grant Booth
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Taylor Grad Performs at Aronoff
Senior Wins State
February 25, 2017 – The entire community of Three Rivers watched live as Isabelle Murray swam for the State Championship. With the voice of Athletic Director, Larry Herges, in the background, you couldn’t help but feel in the moment and excited as
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Students from the elementary collected 2,200 canned goods, personal hygiene items, and packaged foods and donated these items to TRAM (Three Rivers Area Ministries). What an unbelievable feat! Representatives were chosen from each homeroom in
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On February 27, Three Rivers Local School District hosted the Hamilton County You Be The Chemist Challenge! We had 8 different schools come from around the County. The You Be The
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