Blog Entries - October 2017

Three Rivers Elementary/Taylor Middle School youth soccer finished strong this year during their regular season. 7 out of our 13 teams finished in the top 4 of their division, advancing to the local WCSA tournament. Girls Passers coached by Matt Schmidt, boys
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Thank You, K of C
On October 10, 2017, the St. Joseph's chapter of the Knights of Columbus presented a check for $1450.00 to the Three Rivers Local School District. The donation was graciously given to the Director of Student Services, Megan Rivet, to support
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Fall Craft Show

Trunk or Treat
First Annual Three Rivers Elementary/Taylor Middle School Trunk or Treat! Join us for a safe, fun and free night for families in the school back parking lot. Families are invited to decorate their car trunks, wear their costumes and bring some school
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Strength of a Third Grader
Elementary student faced with Apraxia is encouraged by strength and surrounded by love. Cleves, September 2017 – On September 17, 2017, hundreds of supporters walked for children with Apraxia of speech. One of those children is a student at Three
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