Blog Entries - June 2022

School Buses for Sale

Taylor Tradition
Professor Shawn Humphrey is a Taylor High School graduate who gives a lot of credit to his high school days and, more specifically, a couple of role models for his success. So much so, that he put together a reunion to honor the well-known and well-respected
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OSER-ROTH & FRIENDS FEST UPDATE 6/20/22 Dear Friends: We are getting closer to the big event which will be held Saturday, July 30, 2022. We are always asked how we can help. If you would like
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THS Honor Roll

Kindergarten Registration
If your child is going to be 5 years old by or on August 1st, make sure that you have registered them for kindergarten. Every kindergartener must be tested. We will be setting up our last testing day in early July. Any questions email Bettie
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