Blog Entries - November 2020

Heroes of Character 2020
Congratulations to all 2020 Heroes of Character and Finalists. Due to the pandemic, this year's ceremony was held virtually on November 18th through the Character Council. Three Rivers also created a pre-recorded ceremony to highlight the much-deserving
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Inclement Weather Notification
Please see below for how Three Rivers will notify families of any inclement weather updates.
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Student of the Month
Congratulations to Larry Ashcraft III for being named Diamond Oaks' Student of the Month. Larry was nominated by Dr. Joan Glover for his willingness to provide peer-to-peer mentoring. Larry is a Taylor High School student who attends Diamond Oaks with a focus on Web Applications and Game Development.
Congratulations, Larry!
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Frozen Meals for All Ages
In an effort to combat hunger, The Library is partnering with UMC Food Ministry and La Soupe to bring meals to select Library locations. Frozen Meals for All Ages On Mondays from 3-6 p.m., La Soupe will provide individual or
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Purchase Your Child's Artwork!
For any student in grades K-8, our school is participating in a creative fundraiser with Art to Remember that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child's art. We are Virtual this year! You can select a piece of artwork that we made
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Seat Naming Celebration!
On Monday, November 30th, members of ACCLAIM look forward to an exciting opportunity to honor and remember individuals who have had an influential impact on the success of the Three Rivers Fine Arts! Please join via Zoom if you're available!
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First Lady Fran DeWine announced today that the Ohio Governor’s Imagination Library Program is now being offered to children in all of Ohio's 88 counties. Kids from birth to age five statewide are now eligible to receive a free book in the mail
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TRCAA Instructional Basketball Registration
Registration open November13th-December 20th Please visit to register. What you need to know: All registrations must be submitted online at New for this season: Only kids attending Three Rivers Elementary are
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Interim Transportation Supervisor
Following Tim Wagner’s acceptance as Director of Facilities with Finneytown Schools in late October, the search for his replacement in the Transportation Department began. The decision was made that the Department could continue to thrive under the
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Director of Food Service
Marlinda Updegrove has been assisting Tim Wagner in the Three Rivers Food Service Department as the Manager since 2019. Following Mr. Wagner’s acceptance as Director of Facilities with Finneytown Schools in late October, Marlinda interviewed for the
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