Blog Entries - January 2019

State Superintendent Visits Three Rivers
On January 22, 2019, Ohio State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Paolo DeMaria, visited Three Rivers Local School District. The visit started with a tour of the campus given by Superintendent of Three Rivers, Craig Hockenberry, to highlight the work
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Scholastic Awards
Congratulations to the Scholastic Art Winners from Taylor High School!
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Now Hiring!
Three Rivers Local School District is actively seeking candidates for substitute aide and secretary positions.
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2019 Geography Bee Winner
For the 31st year, the National Geographic Society held the National Geographic Bee for students in the fourth through eighth grades in thousands of schools across the United States and in the five U.S. territories, as well as in Department of Defense
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Real Estate Agent Forum
Please consider joining the Superintendent of Three Rivers Local School District for the first Real Estate Agent Forum on February 5, 2019, at 12:00 pm.
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Dear Friends of Oser Roth & Friends Fest Inc., It is time for us to find our Angels for the 10th Oser-Roth & Friends Fest on Saturday, July 27th. If you know of a child that has health issues and would like to nominate them, please complete the
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