Blog Entries - 2019

Relay for Life
Join us for a night of celebration, remembrance and fighting back. The Relay For Life event rai$es money and awareness for the American Cancer Society and will be held on May 18th from 5pm-11pm, on the Taylor Track and Field. This family-friendly community
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All evening events are now canceled at Three Rivers due to a power outage. See everyone tomorrow to wrap up a great week!
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OMEA Honor Band
Congratulations to this year Taylor High and Taylor Middle School OMEA Honor Band students.
Builder's Club Volunteers to serve others
The Builder’s Club, consisting of students in grades 5-8, visited Matthew 25 Ministries on Tuesday, November 19th. While visiting, students received a tour of the facility and discovered the various ways this organization helps the local and
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Career Day
On Thursday, November 14th, Taylor Middle School eighth-graders participated in a Career Day/Panel of Experts Day. 192 eighth graders heard information from career fields that included medical professions, business owners, helping professions, technology
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PTO Giving Tree
Once again the Elementary and Middle School PTO is proud to sponsor the “Giving Tree” for our holiday project. This is an organization started many years ago that provides gifts to needy children in the Three Rivers area. If your
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Box Top Drive - TRES/TMS
November 4th through January 7th, Taylor Middle School and Three Rivers Elementary will be collecting Box Tops. The winning class will receive an ice cream party.
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Elf Jr.
Tickets are now on sale for the Three Rivers Children's Theatre's presentation of Elf Jr. Showtimes: Friday, November 15, 2019 - 7:00 pm Saturday, November 16, 2019 - 7:00 pm Sunday, November 17, 2019 - 2:00 pm To purchase tickets, visit:
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Veterans Day Ceremony 2019
Please join us on November 7th as we show our appreciation for all who are currently serving, or who have served, in the military for the annual Three Rivers Veterans Day Ceremony.
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Innovation and Safety in Transportation
The Three Rivers Local School District is excited to be operating one of the safest school buses in Ohio. The District was able to take advantage of new State school bus construction standards and ever-improving commercial vehicle safety technology to order,
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No School - October 10th & 11th
Three Rivers Local School District will not have school on October 10th or 11th due to conferences and staff development.
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Trunk or Treat
Third Annual Three Rivers Elementary/Taylor Middle School Join us for a safe, fun and free night for families in the school back parking lot. Families are invited to decorate their car trunks, wear their costumes and bring some school safe treats to
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Talent Show
Taylor Middle School Presents
2019 Talent Show
Sign-Ups: 9/9 - 9/13
Auditions: 9/16/19
Showtime: 10/4/19
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Don McMillan Turf Naming - 2019
On August 30, 2019, the Taylor High School turf was officially named "Don McMillan Field".
Attended by family, friends, and former players, the naming event was an incredible evening honoring an incredible man. Emceed by Athletic Director Larry Herges, the turf naming celebrated the many achievements of Coach McMillan.
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TMS Back to School Newsletter
Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year! We are looking forward to the 2019-2020 school year at Taylor Middle School! We will again be kicking off the school year with Adventure Leadership, which helps students to work in teams, learn together, grow as a
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Fifth-Graders Participate in Destination Imagination Global Finals Tournament
In addition to generating reliable and affordable electricity, Luminant’s Miami Fort Power Plant and its employees are proud to power Hamilton County communities through charitable contributions and volunteer efforts. Through the company’s
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Destination Imagination Global Finals
Congratulations to Taylor Middle School 5th grade Cereal Solvers team for finishing FIFTH place at Global Finals! This was the top finish at globals for our region this year and tied our (Three Rivers) best finish at Globals! They scored
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Congratulations Ms. Katsetos!
Congratulations to Taylor Middle School Teacher, Ms. Amy Katsetos, for receiving the prestigious TMS PTO ABCD Award for always going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty!
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2019 Celebrate Excellence Educator of the Year
Three Rivers is proud to announce Taylor Middle School Teacher Jen Stenger as the District's 2018-2019 Excellent Educator of the Year! This elite award honors educators who demonstrate a high level of commitment toward student achievement, challenging
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Three Rivers Children’s Theatre Summer Drama Camp Grades K-8 June 24 - June 29 July 8 - July 13 Both camps run 9 am - 2 pm (Monday - Thursday), 2:30 pm - 8 pm (Friday), and 6 pm - 8 pm (Saturday), with our final shows on Friday and Saturday
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Congratulations to all FOUR of our GLOBALS QUALIFYING teams at the state tournament!! This is the BEST year that we've ever had at the state tournament! FOUR teams qualifying with two first-place finishes (and a
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The senior team is the National Champion in both the lyrical and jazz categories. They placed 2nd in the kick category. The senior team was also invited back in those 3 routines to compete during the Best of the Best sessions on Sunday. All 3
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6th Grade APT Places 1st
6th-grade APT students participated in the Destination Imagination state tournament in East Liverpool Ohio recently. Following their first place victory in March at the regional tournament, they again placed FIRST at the State level. They are now advancing
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Three Rivers Junior Dance Team
Congratulations to the Three Rivers Junior Dance Team! They earned Blog Entry Synopsis End
Destination Imagination - State Bound!
Congratulations to ALL of our Destination Imagination teams! The 4th-grade Phone Seekers and 6th grade FIT teams did a great job with their performances! They had some tough competition in these challenges, but everyone did an
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You Be the Chemist
On February 26th, Taylor Middle School sent nine students to the You Be the Chemist Competition at Dater Montessori School. The Challenge is a multilevel individual competition, that begins with participants completing the Challenge Qualifier at their
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Daughters of the American Revolution
This year, Taylor Middle School had three students win the Daughters of the American Revolution Essay Contest. The Daughters of the American Revolution is an organization with a deeply rich history while also being truly relevant in today’s world. More
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Reading Nights - TRES & TMS
Three Rivers Elementary Family Reading Night and Spirit Week
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The MATHCOUNTS team finished their regular season on Saturday at the regional MATHCOUNTS competition held at the University of Cincinnati. Taylor Middle School was represented by Ricky Johnson, Morgan Koelling, Ethan Hass, Keaton McCollum, Sean Kelly, Emmy
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Junie B. Jones Auditions
In order to audition, students should pick up an Information Packet from the bulletin board located in the elementary spine, and sign up for an audition time posted on Mrs. Rinehart’s door. Information on how to prepare for your audition can be
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State Superintendent Visits Three Rivers
On January 22, 2019, Ohio State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Paolo DeMaria, visited Three Rivers Local School District. The visit started with a tour of the campus given by Superintendent of Three Rivers, Craig Hockenberry, to highlight the work
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2019 Geography Bee Winner
For the 31st year, the National Geographic Society held the National Geographic Bee for students in the fourth through eighth grades in thousands of schools across the United States and in the five U.S. territories, as well as in Department of Defense
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Dear Friends of Oser Roth & Friends Fest Inc., It is time for us to find our Angels for the 10th Oser-Roth & Friends Fest on Saturday, July 27th. If you know of a child that has health issues and would like to nominate them, please complete the
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Youth Free Throw Championship
All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the St Joseph of the Three Rivers Local Competition of the 2019 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The competition will be held at the Saint Jude School Gym at 5940 Bridgetown Road
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