Blog Entries - May 2019

Relay for Life
Join us for a night of celebration, remembrance and fighting back. The Relay For Life event rai$es money and awareness for the American Cancer Society and will be held on May 18th from 5pm-11pm, on the Taylor Track and Field. This family-friendly community
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Fifth-Graders Participate in Destination Imagination Global Finals Tournament
In addition to generating reliable and affordable electricity, Luminant’s Miami Fort Power Plant and its employees are proud to power Hamilton County communities through charitable contributions and volunteer efforts. Through the company’s
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Destination Imagination Global Finals
Congratulations to Taylor Middle School 5th grade Cereal Solvers team for finishing FIFTH place at Global Finals! This was the top finish at globals for our region this year and tied our (Three Rivers) best finish at Globals! They scored
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Congratulations Ms. Katsetos!
Congratulations to Taylor Middle School Teacher, Ms. Amy Katsetos, for receiving the prestigious TMS PTO ABCD Award for always going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty!
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2019 Celebrate Excellence Educator of the Year
Three Rivers is proud to announce Taylor Middle School Teacher Jen Stenger as the District's 2018-2019 Excellent Educator of the Year! This elite award honors educators who demonstrate a high level of commitment toward student achievement, challenging
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