Blog Entries - 2018

Final Focus Group
We are asking all parents and community members who have not yet had the opportunity to attend a Strategic Planning Focus Group to consider joining us on December 10, 2018, at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the auditorium at the main campus and will
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Beauty and the Beast Jr.
November 16th 7:00 pm
November 17th 7:00 pm
November 18th 2:00 pm
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Beauty and the Beast Jr.
Purchase your tickets today!
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Road Closure
We have been notified that the 5200 Block of Zion Rd. between Deerview Woods and Zion Hill are CLOSED for an undisclosed amount of time due to an accident. The only bus routes affected by this road closure are Bus #5 and #12; these students will now be
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Common Planning/Start Time Proposal
Three Rivers Local School District will be hosting 3 opportunities for parents to learnabout the proposal to implement common planning time during the 2018-2019 schoolyear. This will allow teachers to better serve the students of Three Rivers.Implementation
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RFP Overview This Request for Proposal (RFP) documents Three Rivers Local School District’s (also referred to as TRLSD) requirements for Landscaping and Mowing. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is intended to allow the Three Rivers Local School
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Patriot Pen Essay Contest Winners
Congratulations to the Taylor Middle School 2018 Patriot Pen essay contest winners!
1st Place: Emma Mondray
2nd Place: Bella Mastruserio
3rd Place: Chris Cowans
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Update - Strategic Plan
We want to thank everyone who participated in the Strategic Planning Survey and/or the Focus Groups. To date, we have held over ten focus groups that included input from students, parents, staff, community members, business leaders, and key
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12/4/2018 Each Child, Our Future is Ohio’s five-year strategic plan to ensure each student enjoys a bright future thanks to an excellent preK-12 education experience. More than 150 Ohio-based partners helped develop Each Child, Our
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Taylor Winter Guard
Are you interested in possibly joining the Taylor Winter Guard? If so, Open Gyms are now available for all students in grades 7-12.
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Focus on Youth Foster Care Info Class

The Giving Tree
Dear Parents, Once again PTO is proud to sponsor the “Giving Tree” for our holiday project. This is an organization started many years ago that provides gifts to needy children in the Three Rivers area. If your family would like to
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Trick or Treat for Cans!
On Halloween Night, THS students will be coming to your neighborhood to "Trick or Treat" for cans or other non-perishable goods.
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Focus Groups - Strategic Planning
As we continue with the District's Strategic Planning Process, the second round of Focus Groups will be held on October 25th. If you were unable to attend a Focus Group in September, please consider joining us so that we can hear as much feedback from our
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Canned Food Drive
Bring your canned goods to Trunk or Treat.
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Acclaim Foundation
Looking to get involved? The Acclaim Foundation supports all of our fine arts in the Three Rivers District. We will provide numerous opportunities for students to be involved, information on art shows, performances and fundraisers
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Proposed Joint Community Building
During the September 25, 2018, Three Rivers Board of Education meeting, the Three Rivers Board of Education and the Miami Township Trustees are scheduled to meet at the Three Rivers Educational Campus (elementary cafetorium) to continue the conversation about
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Strategic Planning Survey
As we continue to engage in the Strategic Planning Process, we are now in the survey phase to receive purposeful feedback from parents, community members, staff, and students of Three Rivers Local School District. The Strategic Plan is
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Innovation through Exploration
10 TMS Students Visit Mt. Everest and Survive to Tell About It! Maybe that is not entirely true. However, ten 6th grade Taylor Middle School students did get the opportunity to explore Mt. Everest using the new Google Expeditions Goggles. The program allows
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Fall Craft Show
The Three Rivers Acclaim Foundation for the Fine Arts Presents:
Saturday, October 27, 2018
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An Innovative Start to the School Year in Taylor Middle School
Cleves, September 2018 – This year, Taylor Middle School kicked off the school year in a unique way. As Three Rivers Local School District welcomed students back for the 2018-2019 school year, Principal Holly Simms wanted the focus to be on positive
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Taylor Middle School Builder’s Club Receives Distinguished Recognition
Cleves, September 2018 – Taylor Middle School is very innovative with ideas for student clubs. Students are given opportunities to join clubs that focus on a wide-variety of skills and interests including fishing, chess, volunteering, math, and much
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Bus Route Update 9/6/18
Dear Families, As many of you know, there was an active shooter in downtown Cincinnati this morning at the Fifth Third Building. It has been communicated to us that the now deceased shooter may have resided in North Bend, Ohio. We have been working with the
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Parents and Guardians, We are proud to announce that “#IAmSPEAKLOVE” (Powered by Nick Jackson Speaks, LLC) will be presenting to the students in grades 7 - 12 of Taylor High School and Taylor Middle School on Sept. 12, 2018, and
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Strategic Planning
Three Rivers Local School District has started strategic planning to expand on its core values and identify purposeful goals, and we invite you to continue on this journey with us! When discussing the importance of the strategic planning, Superintendent of
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Students Return from Florida
13 students, 2 chaperones, and teacher, Beth Jackson, returned from the Florida Keys in June after almost a week of fun and adventure. The annual trip takes 7th graders to the Florida Keys to see, and experience, what they have learned in the classroom
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The Three Rivers Local School District announced its 2018-2019 school year policy for Free and Reduced breakfast and lunch for students unable to pay the full price of meals or milk served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program.
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(Ohio Department of Education News Article) Young people who begin drinking before the age of 15 are six times more likely to develop alcoholism or have problems with alcohol later in life, compared to those who wait until turning 21. Communication is key
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You Be the Chemist National Competition
Cleves, June 2018 – The Chemical Foundation announced the forty-two middle school students from around the Country who would be competing in the National 2018 You Be the Chemist® Challenge in Washington, D.C. The non-profit organization is dedicated
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Know! Summertime Increases Risk 6/14/2018 It’s June – which, for most teens, means summer break is either close at hand or has already begun! Parents need to watch for risky behaviors during these warm weather months because first-time alcohol
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Tax-Free Shopping Weekend
Tax-Free Weekend
Am. Sub. H.B. 49 enacted a sales tax holiday to occur only in 2018. The holiday starts on Friday, August 3, 2018, at 12:00 a.m. and ends on Sunday, August 5, 2018, at 11:59 p.m.
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Spread the Word: Kids Eat Free This Summer!
This summer, the Ohio Department of Education is sponsoring the Summer Food Service Program, providing children with free, healthy meals.It's easy to participate and no sign up is required. Simply call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479),
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Free Meals and Fun Activities
June 6, 2018, kicks off the first Wednesday for Picnic in the Parking Lot. Students under the age of 18 receive a free meal and a fun event every Wednesday of summer.
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Summer Art Camp
Destination Imagination Scores High at Globals
The 5th-grade Destination Imagination team competed at global finals this year. Their consistent scores in all of the categories helped them finish in 16th place! This is one of our best Three Rivers finishes with teams from around the globe! Team
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Stuff the Bus for Haiti
TRLSD is going to "Stuff the Bus" for Haiti. All items shown in the attachment will be collected on May 22nd and May 24th. Items will then go with our Bus Driver, Lance Whitehurst, on a trip to help students in Haiti (see attached story). Please drop all
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Food Drive
The Builder's Club, in conjunction with grades five and six, are sponsoring a Canned Food Drive for TRAM. The pantry in Addyston will need lots of food to cover the summer months. Please send your canned goods, hygiene items, and boxed items to school by May
After five months, six board meetings, three parent/community forums, and much discussion, on May 15, 2018, the Three Rivers Board of Education approved (with a 3-2 vote) the changing of the start times to pave the way for common planning time. These changes
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After Taylor Middle School’s planned trip to Washington, D.C. at the end of May was challenged by the recent shut down of a tour company, the building principal immediately began investigating options to ensure the eighth grade students would still be
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Go Blue for Apraxia!
On Monday, May 14, Three Rivers is going all blue to support our friends with Apraxia. We are asking all staff and students to wear something blue to be the voice!
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Three Rivers Children’s Theatre Summer Drama Camp
Three Rivers Children’s Theatre Summer Drama Camp Grades K-8 2 Sessions: June 25--29 or July 9--13 9 am—2 pm Monday-Thursday 2:30—8 pm Friday 6—8 pm Saturday (*Optional Performance) In District: $150 ($100 for
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Author Visits TMS
It was a good day to be Taylor Middle School Yellowjacket on Wednesday, April 18, 2018. Students in Writers' Club received a special visit from Author, Tamara Bundy. Ms. Bundy, Author of Walking with Miss Millie, spoke to the students of Taylor
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TMS Student Participates in Capture the Flag
On April 12, 2018, Taylor Middle School Student, Lee Garber-Ford participated in a computer-based Capture the Flag event, sponsored by NKU. The event started with the NKU Cyber Defense Team made up of a group of students who are passionate about
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Strike Out Cancer Softball Game
The Taylor Girl's Softball teams are hosting the 2nd annual Strike Out Cancer game this coming Wednesday, April 18th. This year we are supporting Deb Hafer. We are selling Pancreatic T-shirts as well as Remembrance Cards which will be attached to
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Congratulations to the Three Rivers Dance Team! They competed at the Showcase of America National Competition on April 7th and 8th and were AMAZING! Results:Primary - 5th place for their Pom routineElementary - 3rd place for Hip Hop and 4th place in
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Congratulations to our state DI teams who participated in Mt. Vernon. Two of our teams, the Labyrinth Escapers and Mischievous Ones, qualified for Global Finals in Knoxville, Tennessee! Elementary teams: The 4th-grade engineering team, Desert Dominance,
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MathCounts Team Makes School History
The Taylor Middle School MATHCOUNTS Team made school history on Saturday, March 10, 2018, as they competed for the first time at the State Finals held at Columbus State College. The team placed 10th out of 31 of the top teams from all over the State.
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Mathletes Headed to State!
We are so incredibly proud of our State-bound MathCounts Mathletes! Best of luck to Bren, Brandon, Lee, Michael, Nick, and Tony!
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Relay for Life
Join us for a night of celebration, remembrance and fighting back. The Relay For Life event raises money and awareness for the American Cancer Society and will be held on April 21st, 6 pm, on the Taylor Track and Field. This community fundraiser is
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Disney's Alice in Wonderland JR.
Friday and Saturday, April 27th and 28th at 7:30 pm
Sunday, April 29th at 2:00 pm
Three Rivers Performing Arts Center
56 Cooper Ave., Cleves, Ohio 45002
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Nominate Alumni Pride
Are you super proud of a former Yellowjacket that went on to become a distinguished leader who has made a significant contribution to society over the course of their career? In your nomination email, please include: the person's
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Annual Reverse Raffle
Taylor Athletic Boosters Annual Reverse Raffle Friday, March 9, 2018 $50 per ticket which includes chances for: $2000 in total prizes - $1000 grand prize Basket Raffle – Silent Auction - Door Prizes – Side Games Includes Dinner
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Our Three Rivers Destination Imagination teams had a big day! The teams competed on Saturday, Feb. 3rd at TREC in the categories of engineering, technical, fine arts, science, improv, and service learning. 11 teams competed for Three Rivers! Nine of those
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Three Rivers Dance Team
During the weekend of February 3, 2018, the Three Rivers Dance Teams (elementary-high school) competed at the East Central Dance Invitational. The elementary team received ratings of 1st place in pom and 1st place in hip-hop.
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OMEA District 14 Jr. High Honors Choir
On Saturday, 23 of our best and most talented 7th and 8th-grade singers represented Taylor Middle School and our choir department in the OMEA District 14 Jr. High Honors Choir. They performed with 14 other schools in a choir of 190 singers
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Summer Art Camp
Welcome Campers! We would like to invite you to join us this summer at Art Camp 2018! The camp will be Tuesday-Friday, June 19th-22nd! 2 sessions to choose from: 8:30-10:30am or 10:30-12:30 pmThis year's theme will be "Food
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Congratulations to the Winter MathClub Team for taking 2nd place at the Milford Middle School Competition on Monday, January 29, 2018. Lee Garber-Ford took 1st place in the Individual Competition. Other competitors include Brandon McCullum, Bren Updegrove,
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John E. Pepper Volunteer of the Year Award
Congratulations to TRES/TMS PTO President, Beth Reupert, for being named Cincinnatus Association's Volunteer of the Year. This award memorializes the outstanding volunteer service and leadership to education of John E. Pepper, former Chairman of Procter
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What better time than when it’s cold and snowy than to think about summer!Great Oaks will again be offering summer camps for students who are currently in 8th and 9th grades. We are very excited to offer twenty-one camps spread over three separate
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An Evening of Football with Kyle Rudolph
After school events update
After School Events Update: -Bowling - On (4:00 pm) -Junior High Athletics - All Canceled -TRCAA Athletics - All
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NEW DROP OFF OPTION FOR COLD WEATHER DELAYS: Parents/Guardians,We want to thank you for your patience during last week’s two-hour delays. The decision to change normal school hours is never easy and is certainly
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Summer Art Camp 2018
The Acclaim Foundation Supporting the Fine Arts in Three Rivers Presents: Summer Art Camp 2018 for ages K-5th grade.
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