Blog Entries - 2017
Printer RFP
Request for proposals for copier/printer contract Three Rivers Local School District.
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Three Rivers Selected for Annual AP Honor Roll
Cleves, December 2017 – Three Rivers Local School District received a letter from the College Board presenting us with the announcement that our District has been selected for the 8th Annual AP Honor Roll. This extraordinary honor is only awarded to
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Request for Proposal (IT Resources)
Request for Proposal for Three Rivers Local School District To Provide Leadership and Management of IT Resources Click HERE to view the RFP for IT Resources. PROPOSAL DUE DATE: January 31, 2018 This Request for Proposal (RFP) is
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CREATIVE WRITING ClubWEDNESDAYS 3:00-4:00P.M.Room D121 in the 8th Grade HallwayTaylor Middle School (Grades 5-8) will be having a Creative Writing Club!! Students are welcome to participate in this new club on Wednesday afternoons starting the second
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Daughters of the American Revolution Essay Contest
A very well-deserved congratulation goes out to the 5th-grade students in Mrs. Henderson's APT class who received certificates for their historical fiction essay for the Daughters of the American Revolution contest. Winners were presented on December 13, 2017
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VFW Patriotic Essay Contest
Congratulations to the 3 essay winners in sixth grade. 1st place: Skylar Koch2nd place: Paige Gooding3rd place: Jonathan Douglas Students in the APT class at Taylor Middle School were asked to write a patriotic-themed essay. The winners were surprised
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MathCounts Club
The MathCounts team started their competition season at Cincinnati Country Day yesterday. Our Taylor Middle School teams competed against 80 teams from 17 schools. The team consisting of Lee Garber-Ford, Brandon McCollum, Nick Buirley, and Caleb
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Quality Homework Help
The Miami Township Branch Library is offering FREE homework help for students in grades K through 8th.
Homework help days/times:
Monday and Tuesday: 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Wednesday and Friday: 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
For more information, call the Branch Manager, Carrie Hughes, at 513. 369. 6050.
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Now Hiring:
Three Rivers Schools is seeking candidates for the following positions:
- Substitute Educational Aide
- Substitute Secretaries

Three Rivers Hires New Treasurer
Cleves, November 2017 – Alice Gundler was named Three Rivers Local School District’s Treasurer on November 8, 2017. Mrs. Gundler was welcomed with a unanimous approval by the Board of Education. Following the meeting, Board Member, Chris Oser,
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5 Year Forecast
On Tuesday, October 24, 2017, the District’s Treasurer, Christine Poetter, presented the five-year forecast to the Three Rivers Local School District's Board of Education during the public Board meeting.Following the presentation, Board President, Jim
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Giving Tree
Once again PTO is proud to sponsor the “Giving Tree” for our holiday project. This is an organization started many years ago that provides gifts to needy children in the Three Rivers area. If your family would like to
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Three Rivers Elementary/Taylor Middle School youth soccer finished strong this year during their regular season. 7 out of our 13 teams finished in the top 4 of their division, advancing to the local WCSA tournament. Girls Passers coached by Matt Schmidt, boys
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Three Rivers Local School District is proud to release our Core Values: Cultivate Excellence, Nurture Inclusion, and Inspire Innovation. We recently collaborated with the SEEK Company (specializing in insights and ideas) to finalize the standards that align
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Veterans' Day Program
We invite you to honor all of our veterans on November 9, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. for a program proudly presented by Taylor High School.
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Quarter 1 Perfect Attendance
GRADE 5:Jackson Andriot,Nicole Ardila,Jaedyn Ashcraft,Caleb Bessler,Lauren Boland,Luke Brockoff,Kylie Bruce,Madelyn Bryant,Claire Buirley,Bri Clark,Claire Darrow,Logan Dooley,Carson Duerk,Logan Duerk,Joey Elsen,Grant Ferguson,Wiley Glasgow,Brooke
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Thank You, K of C
On October 10, 2017, the St. Joseph's chapter of the Knights of Columbus presented a check for $1450.00 to the Three Rivers Local School District. The donation was graciously given to the Director of Student Services, Megan Rivet, to support
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Fall Craft Show

Trunk or Treat
First Annual Three Rivers Elementary/Taylor Middle School Trunk or Treat! Join us for a safe, fun and free night for families in the school back parking lot. Families are invited to decorate their car trunks, wear their costumes and bring some school
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Submit Your Story
COMMUNITY NEWS REQUEST We are excited to announce that we have now made it even easier to submit a story for us to share. On the District website, a link has been added for anyone in the community to share a story. If you have a story about a current
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Collecting Donations for Florida
September is Attendance Awareness MonthRelease date: 8/31/2017With the new school year underway across Ohio, it’s more important than ever that our students be in class every day ready to learn. Missing too much school has long-term, negative effects on
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Volley for the Cause 2017
TAYLOR VS. INDIAN HILL Tuesday, October 3rd JV- 5:30pm Varsity- 6:30pm *Over 20 awesome baskets for the basket raffle *Split the Pot *Bracelets for sale T-shirts are available for $10 pre-order only by Friday, September
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President Visits Taylor High School
A typical Thursday at Three Rivers Local School District can mean just about anything; it seems something incredible is always happening with our students and today was no different. On September 7, 2017, Thomas More College President, David A. Armstrong, and
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Taylor High School Band Premiere
The Annual Taylor Band Premiere is right around the corner. The event brings 13 bands from around the tri-state to Three Rivers. The campus will be packed on September 23, and your business has an opportunity to be a sponsor.
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Middle School Pickup Day!
Taylor Middle School Pickup Day On August 3, 2017, from 10:00- 8:00 pm and August 4, 2017, from 8:00-2:00 pm, TMS students can pick up the following items from the main lobby:SchedulesLocker AssignmentsSuccess GuideAir
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Junior High Girls Volleyball Attention: Any girl who going into 7th or 8th grade that is interested in playing volleyball in the fall, there will be Open Gyms from 3:00-4:30pm on July 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th, and 26th. Tryouts will be
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Freshmen Orientation Dear Parents and Members of the Class of 2021: Taylor High School offers the “Yellow Jacket Freshman Orientation” as a freshman transition experience. We are offering this opportunity for all incoming freshmen. We believe
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Welcome New THS Principal
Taylor High School will soon welcome their new Principal, Mr. Ceair Baggett. Ceair Baggett is currently the Principal for Ethel M. Taylor Academy, a Cincinnati Public School serving preschool through 6th grade. Taylor Academy is a Title 1 School, located in
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I hope everyone is taking time to enjoy the start of summer break. We wanted to share some exciting news from tonight's Board of Education meeting. Megan Rivet was approved to be the new Student Services Director of Three Rivers. There were 21 people
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State of Ohio Immunization Requirements for the 2017-2018 School Year Kindergarten The Ohio Department of Health requires that ALL students entering Kindergarten have the following vaccines; DTap, Polio, MMR, Hep B, and Varicella (Chicken Pox) for
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The offices will be open throughout the summer. However, the doors will be locked and hours shortened. Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Elementary Office: Anne Miller and Nancy Herbert - 513.467.3210Middle School Office: Kim Mink -
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Music at the Parks
JUNIOR HIGH MUSIC On Saturday, the 7th and 8th grade music students (220 students in total) competed in the Music at the Parks competition. The competition was held at Loveland Middle School and concluded with an awards ceremony at Kings Island.The 7th
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Three Rivers 5K Color Run/Walk (sponsored by Taylor Football)
Sunday, June 4, 2017
9:00 AM
Click HERE for full details and registration information.
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THANK YOU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Every year, the APT (Academic Program for the Talented) in the Three Rivers School District competes in a creative problem solving competition called Destination Imagination (DI). DI is a global organization that promotes
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Alumni Chorus Concert
Don't miss this year's Taylor High School Alumni Chorus Concert: "Broadway Magic".
Show Times:
Friday, May 12 7:30 PM
Saturday, May 13 7:30 PM
*Tickets can be purchased at the door. Adults are $8/ticket and Children/Students are $5/ticket.
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Board of Education Meeting with Miami Township
On May 9, 2017 Three Rivers Local School District’s Board of Education will partner with Miami Township to conduct a meeting to begin discussion of a proposed community center. Three Rivers will hold their regular board meeting at 6:00 PM. The joint
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This year's vendor list for the Craft Show is absolutely incredible.... over 40! LuLaRoe, Stella & Dot, jewelry, animals accessories, pottery, home decor, and much, much more! Check it out anytime Saturday (April 29) from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. See the attached list... and get ready to shop.
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Camp Kern 2017
Camp Kern looks good on these Taylor Middle School students! They have having a blast.
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Auditor of the State Award
Three Rivers Local School District received the Auditor of State Award following the recent state audit.“Clean and accurate record-keeping are the foundation for a good government and the taxpayers can take pride in your commitment to
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Summer Drama Camp
Three Rivers Children’s Theatre Summer Drama Camp Grades K-8 2 Sessions: June 19-23 or July 10-14 9 am—2 pm - Monday-Thursday, 2:30—8 pm Friday In District: $150 ($100 for additional siblings) per Session Out of District:
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Daughters of the American Revolution Essay Contest
The 5th grade APT class participated in the Daughters of the American Revolution essay contest. This year, the topic was about our national parks. Students wrote a 300-600 word essay on a national park of their choosing.All students who
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At Taylor Middle School, we are following the "School of Character" process for enhancing our school's culture and achievement. This process is brought to us through a partnership with the Character Council of Greater Cincinnati and Northern
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Established in 2002, the Queen City Classic Chess Tournament is a treasured Cincinnati event that gives children of all backgrounds the opportunity to compete in a chess tournament in an NFL stadium. Drawing students from as many as ten
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Three Rivers' Results:Congratulations to all of our Three Rivers Destination Imagination teams! This past Saturday, Three Rivers Educational Campus hosted the Ohio and Kentucky regional DI tournament. Three Rivers APT teams represented our
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MathCounts Student to State
Lee Garber-Ford, a seventh grader, qualified for the state tournament for MathCounts. Lee finished seventh at the Cincinnati regional to qualify. Lee traveled to Columbus this past weekend to compete with the very best Math students in the state.
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LOGAN TOUGH Logan Heller has done everything in his power to show just how "Logan Tough" he is since his brain tumor diagnosis in 2015. On March 10, 2017, his classmates, teachers, and staff rallied around him to show their support and
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TMS Book Battle
Congratulations to the 2017 Book Battle 1st Place Winners...
Matthew Buhrmann
Kylie Davis
Ethan Schmidt
Grant Booth
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Students from the elementary collected 2,200 canned goods, personal hygiene items, and packaged foods and donated these items to TRAM (Three Rivers Area Ministries). What an unbelievable feat! Representatives were chosen from each homeroom in
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On February 27, Three Rivers Local School District hosted the Hamilton County You Be The Chemist Challenge! We had 8 different schools come from around the County. The You Be The
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On Friday, March 3, Mr. Red suprised students from the elementary with a visit to show his support for the Jump Rope for Heart Program, which students in grades 1-4 will participate in during gym time on March 6-10. Last year, Three Rivers Elementary
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The team of Lee Garber-Ford, Brandon McCollum, Nick Buirley, and Liam Qiu finished seventh out of 48 teams in the Cincinnati area. Last year, our team finished in ninth. We're inching closer to qualifying to state (top five) as a team!Lee Garber-Ford
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Band Concerts
MARK YOUR CALENDARS... Saturday, March 4th - Forrest Hills Jazz Festival - 10AM TMS Jazz Ensemble Monday, March 6th - High School Band Concert - 7PM THS Jazz Ensemble THS Wind Ensemble Tuesday, March
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District XIV Honor Jazz Band
7th graders, Eli Pearson(pictured) and Will Noeth, and 8th grader Olivia Bradley(pictured) auditioned and were selected to be in the District XIV Honor Jazz Band. They competed against both seventh and eighth graders from all over the Greater
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OPPORTUNITY 1 When: Tuesdays March 14– April 4th (3-4:15)Where: Elementary art room and Music RoomHow much? 30.00 total (all proceeds benefit the Acclaim Foundation for the fine arts)Details: Join us for a 4 week program of fine arts!
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On February 10 and 11, 20 of our best 7th and 8th grade singers participated in the OMEA District 14 Junior High Honors Choir held at Princeton Schools Mathews Auditorium.These 20 Taylor Middle School Singers had over 8 after school or before school
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Taylor Middle School's MathCounts teams traveled to Harrison Jr. High to compete in another scrimmage. The team battled six others and, again, came in first! Brandon McCollum, Lee Garber-Ford, Nick Buirley, and Liam Qiu all scored high marks in the
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Assistant Superintendent, Tom Bailey, is pushing the pace with the inclusion of technology in the classroom in order to continue to enhance student achievement at Three Rivers. With new initiatives, devices, programs, and opportunities being offered, Mr.
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Wreath Ceremony
Gerald Ford, the 38th President of the United States of America, implemented a wreath laying program for our deceased presidents. The great city of North Bend, Ohio has the honor of being the home to our 9th President, William Henry Harrison. Since we have
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Scheduling Fair
Megan Rivet, principal of Taylor High School, invites all upcoming grades 9-12 students to the Scheduling Fair this on February 2nd. If you do not already have an appointment, please contact the main office and they can set it up, or just come that
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My Energy Kit
Our school is taking the My Energy Kit Challenge and has a goal to save at least 20,000 kilowatt-hours of energy this school year. We’ll reach this goal when at least 100 families at our school sign up for a FREE Energy Kit and use it to make their
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MathCounts Club
CONGRATULATIONS MATHCOUNTS CLUB Taylor Middle School has started a MathCounts Club this year. The club provides middle school students of all abilities to build confidence and improve attitude towards math and problem solving. TMS's MathCounts club received
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Dear 8th grade parents (upcoming 9th graders!): Let me be the first to welcome you and your child to the high school! We are very excited to be already thinking about next school year and making course selections for your child's freshmen year.
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MathCounts Scrimmage
Our Taylor Middle School MathCounts teams did great at the scrimmage at Our Lady of Victory! Lee Garber-Ford won the countdown round and our junior high team of Lee, Brandon McCollum, Nick Buirley, and Michael Rapien came in first
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THREE RIVERS PTO MIDDLE SCHOOL LOCK-IN!!!! (5th- 8th GRADE) Saturday, January 28TH 2017, FROM 7:00 PM-10:00 PM There will be gigantic inflatables, games, music, food and more!!! v Open to all Three Rivers Middle School Students v
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