Blog Entries - May 2017

Music at the Parks
JUNIOR HIGH MUSIC On Saturday, the 7th and 8th grade music students (220 students in total) competed in the Music at the Parks competition. The competition was held at Loveland Middle School and concluded with an awards ceremony at Kings Island.The 7th
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Thank You, Laura Graham!
The Hamilton County Education Foundation (HCEF) presented the 11th Celebrate Excellence event before an audience of over 250 educators, friends, and family on Friday, May 12, at the Sharonville Convention Center. This annual event honors the K-12
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The Boys Track Team brought home the CHL championship breaking Wyoming’s five year hold on the title. The Yellow Jackets scored 141 points earning their first league title since 2003 and the 4th overall title. Brad Greene won the 800m Run (2:01.54). The
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Three Rivers 5K Color Run/Walk (sponsored by Taylor Football)
Sunday, June 4, 2017
9:00 AM
Click HERE for full details and registration information.
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Taylor High School Senior Receives the Knights of Columbus’ Youth of the Year Award
Taylor High School senior, Samantha Simms, was awarded the annual Knights of Columbus’ Youth of the Year Award. Samantha is actively involved in a wide variety of clubs, activities, and sports in addition to her daily academic achievements, jobs, and
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THANK YOU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Every year, the APT (Academic Program for the Talented) in the Three Rivers School District competes in a creative problem solving competition called Destination Imagination (DI). DI is a global organization that promotes
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2017 Cappies Nominees
The Cappies is a writing and awards program that trains high school theatre and journalism students to be expert writers, critical thinkers, and leaders. Student critics vie to be published in local media outlets by attending productions at other schools and
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School Board/Miami Township Meeting
On May 9, 2017 Three Rivers Local School District’s Board of Education will partner with Miami Township to conduct a meeting to begin discussion of a proposed community center. Three Rivers will hold their regular board meeting at 6:00 PM. The joint
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