Blog Entries - October 2022

2 Opportunities to Purchase Spirit Wear
Three Rivers Elementary Spirit Wear
The online store will be open through November 16th.
Click HERE to begin shopping.
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Girls Youth Basketball Clinic
The free clinic is open to all girls in grades kindergarten through sixth grade. Shirts will be available for $20 and all proceeds will benefit the girls basketball program.
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Knights of Columbus Support TRLSD Special Education
On October 20, 2022, members from the Three Rivers St. Joseph’s Knights of Columbus visited the Three Rivers Campus. The Knights of Columbus work hard to raise money to support the Three Rivers Community. Again this year, they were kind enough to
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Veterans Day Ceremony 2022
We cordially invite all veterans to the ceremony in appreciation of their service to our country. If you are a veteran and would like to attend but did not receive an invitation, please email Becky Rueve at or call 513-824-7348.
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Supporting Diem!
The Three Rivers Community always steps up to support families in need and October 12th and 13th were another example. Diem, a student at Taylor Middle School, was diagnosed with bone cancer. The Taylor Women's Soccer and Volleyball teams held special events
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Craft Fair
On Saturday, October 22, 2022, the Three Rivers ACCLAIM Foundation will hold its annual Craft Fair. There will be over 85 booths available and admission is FREE.
Stop by and get your holiday shopping finished early!
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Business & Family Sponsorship Opportunities to Support ACCLAIM
Welcome to the 2022-2023 Three Rivers Acclaim Drama Series! We would like to invite you to be a part of our Three Rivers Drama family by advertising your BUSINESS or FAMILY SPONSOR in our theater Showbill. All of our shows are performed in our beautiful
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Boosters Online Spirit Wear Shop Open for a Limited Time
To support the Three Rivers Athletic Boosters organization, visit the online store now through October 29, 2022.
Some items can be personalized. Click HERE to start shopping.
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Disney Moana Jr.
Disney’s Moana JR. is playing at The Bruce and Margaret Knapp Performing Arts Center from Thursday, November 10th through Sunday, November 13th (dates and times listed below). The 60-minute musical adventure, designed for Kindergarten through 12th-grade
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