Blog Entries - 2015

Three Rivers Athletic Director Speaks at a National Conference
Larry Herges attended the National Athletic Director Conference, where he was also asked to present. Mr. Herges did an outstanding job representing Taylor athletics as he educated other districts around the country.
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Three Rivers Has the Best Board of Education With Their Main Concern Always Being Students
Board Vice President, Danette Wells, gave THS students recognition for their efforts outside of the classroom. Principal Rivet provided everyone with a breakdown of next year's classes being offered. Mr. Larrick reminisced of his time at Hitchens. Assistant
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Old Taylor HS Hand Drawn Pictures and Frames For Sale
Purchase a professionally framed, unique hand-drawn picture of the old Taylor High School. This year's seniors were the last to change bells in this school...what a meaningful gift!
Large (approx. 17"w x 13"h) - sale $35.00/each
Small (12"w x 9.5"h) - sale $15.00/each
*Sizes include frame
The First SAME PAGE Committee Meeting Welcomes All
The first Same Page Committee meeting will take place on December 14, 2015 at 6:00pm. Light appetizers and refreshments will be provided. The location will be at a private home in the area. If you would like to attend, we would love to have you. You do not
Blog Entry Synopsis EndPractice Full Scale Evacuation Drill November 20, 2015
The drill will consist of an evacuation and reunification of all staff and students. With such an abundance of robo calls occurring around the area lately, Superintendent Hockenberry and Cleves Police Department want to ensure that everyone is well versed on
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Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the media center November 30--December 4. Flyers will be distributed via library classes for grades PK-Grades 8 the week of November 16. Students may purchase books the week of November 30 during
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Mr. Larrick is Saying Goodbye
"HAVE FUN"... is just what Mr. Larrick does every single day. After spending years as the happiest principal around, Mr. Larrick announced today that he will retire at the end of this school year. Three Rivers is so happy for Mr. Larrick on his
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Taylor Band Brings Home the Win
Taylor Band placed 1st in their class at the Colerain Band Invitational and won an award for BEST auxiliary on October 24th, 2015. They are more than ready and excited to compete in the championships on November 7th at Norwood! Continue following the band at
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US 50 & Cooper Road Project Components
Installation of turn lanes on existing Cooper Road to better facilitate ingress and egress to the School property and side streets. New crosswalk on Cooper at Finley Street, and extension of sidewalk on Finley New sidewalks on Cooper from the east
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Naturalization Ceremony
The Naturalization Ceremony was originally held at Three Rivers Middle School. This was the first place in the country that held this ceremony in some place other than the court house. Since this date in 1986, other schools have started holding ceremonies on
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOur Kids Come First
Please slow down when you're on, or around, campus
Our students' safety is of the utmost importance to us. There have been many concerns with the speed of traffic by the crosswalk passing through Cooper Rd. Please slow down through this area, as it is where most walkers are crossing the street to and from school.
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