Taylor Hires New Head Football Coach

January 27, 2021
Taylor High School welcomes new Head Football Coach, David Dransman. After Mark Miller announced his resignation as the Head Coach following the 2020 season, Principal Mark Smiley and Athletic Director Larry Herges began searching for Taylor’s next head coach. With over thirty applicants, the pool was extensive and exciting for the future of Taylor football.
After interviewing with a hiring committee, Mr. Smiley and Mr. Herges recommended David Dransman as the next Head Football Coach for Taylor. Coach Dransman comes to Taylor from Oak Hills where he was the Assistant Head Coach and Special Teams Coordinator. Mr. Dransman says that his coaching philosophy “is to motivate student-athletes to become better individuals.” In his interview, he talked about the importance of relationships, not just with the athletes, but also with parents, community, and organizations that support Taylor athletics. Mr. Dransman understands the value of working with youth football organizations as they are the future of Taylor athletics.
During the interview process, Mr. Dransman provided an intense plan that includes team goals and expectations, communication, team mission, in-season game plan, offseason game plan, and more. Additionally, the overall plan incorporates game day activities to ensure the entire community is encouraged and welcomed to attend. Assuming guidelines allow for pre-covid attendance by game day of 2021, Coach hopes to have games devoted to highlighting middle school, homecoming, youth programs, alumni, and seniors. Although, as assumed, much of Coach Dransman’s plan focuses on football, a startling amount of it focuses on community networking, academic expectation, relationships, and team building.
When inquiring to Taylor’s Athletic Director about Coach Dransman being named Head Coach, he said that one specific question during the interview process stuck out the most to him. “I asked David to give me one word to define what he wanted his players to remember him by. He stated ‘Coach’. He went on to explain that coach means a role model, a father figure, a brother, someone to lean on, and someone to trust. With emotion in his response, there was something about that answer that solidified his new home with Taylor,” stated Larry Herges. He reflected further regarding the interview stating, “Coach Dransman is going to be an asset to not only the Football Program but everything we do at Taylor. He wants to be involved with more than just football. His passion is contagious and will make us all better!”
The future appears to be bright under the light of Taylor’s newest hire, Coach David Dransman, and the District is excited to see the positive impact he is sure to make on student-athletes at Three Rivers.