Great Oaks Taylor High School Business Management Program

On May 12, 2023, seniors from the Great Oaks Taylor High School Business Management Program were celebrated for their success within the program. The ceremony was led by Teacher Katy Heller. During the ceremony, students receive their Career Passports that highlight all of their work and include professional letters of support. These passports not only recognize their accomplishments but also are a tool for the students to use during interviews.
This Program requires business partnerships and the Three Rivers Community has been incredibly generous with allowing student interns. The following businesses and individuals stepped up and supported the students during the 2022-2023 school year.
Brockman Signs
Dunkin’ Donuts
Leesburg Apartments LLC
Java Jackets
Underground Sport Shop
- Aaron Larkins
Lisa Whitely, Communications Director for the school district
Kara Jesse of Three Rivers Elementary
Merrilees Hardware
Pet Wants
Neyer Plumbing
Baker Insurance
Congratulations to all of the seniors who successfully completed the Business Management Program. We wish each of them the very best in their future endeavors. The students include:
Students receiving a Certificate of Career-Technical Preparation (they have passed four of the WebXam courses. Mainly they have taken all courses in the business program):
Logan Baines
Dylan Blazer
Chase Carter
Gage Hall
Cameron Jackson Jack Jump
Owen Larkins (Certificate of Recognition given to an outstanding student. Owen has consistently been the outstanding student in the program since his sophomore year.)
Gretchen Lehmann
Ethan Schmidt
Sean Taylor
Students receiving the recognition of participation are:
Matthew Buhrmann
Delana Hinman
Macy Ilg
Joshua Larkin
Nolan Smith
Emma Stratton
Adam Taylor