After breakfast, we began working again. We continued sanding and painting, but not as close to the orphans' homes this time. Instead, today was spent working on a fairly large building that encompasses the girls' dormitory, washing facilities, and laundry room. We worked for a long time, taking a break only for lunch.

Lunch today was a batch of soup that included chicken and mixed vegetables. Promptly, we returned to work, and didn't conclude until around 6:30. For awhile then, we had downtime. I personally had a fairly relaxed evening, by petting the orphanage's cat, Tigerlily (again) and later spending time in the boys' dormitory.
Later on, we had a dinner of fries, with a condensed beef and hotdog mixture poured on top. Various vegetable sides were also available. A pot (yes, a pot) of lemonade was also made from scratch for our consumption. The rest of my day was spent roaming the grounds of the orphanage and playing with the children. Seesaws and soccer balls (combined with youthful imagination) make up some of their favorite games. Exhausted, I returned to the dormitory around 10:30 to shower. Unfortunately at Stansberry, only cold water is available (as it is for most of Bolivia). Thankfully though, the orphanage's very warm beds compensate that fact. I have been sleeping very well these past few nights.