Blog Entries - January 2018
Scholastic Art Awards
Congratulations to the talented Taylor HS artists! This year, Taylor High School had an unbelievable year for Scholastics; FORTY students won awards. Lucy Osborne won the top Gold Key Portfolio award. All Gold Key winners will
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John E. Pepper Volunteer of the Year Award
Congratulations to TRES/TMS PTO President, Beth Reupert, for being named Cincinnatus Association's Volunteer of the Year. This award memorializes the outstanding volunteer service and leadership to education of John E. Pepper, former Chairman of Procter
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What better time than when it’s cold and snowy than to think about summer!Great Oaks will again be offering summer camps for students who are currently in 8th and 9th grades. We are very excited to offer twenty-one camps spread over three separate
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Book Drive
Destination Imagination Service Project - Book Drive
January 22-26
Donate gently used books to help children in our community. Please turn in your book donation to your teacher this week!
The winning grade level will receive an extra recess outside!
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Western Hills Community Service Club Recognizes a Taylor High School Senior
Cleves, January 11, 2018 – The Western Hills Community Service Club is an all-volunteer, non-profit service organization that supports the community through leadership, partnerships, and charities. The Club holds monthly meetings, focusing primarily on
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NEW DROP OFF OPTION FOR COLD WEATHER DELAYS: Parents/Guardians,We want to thank you for your patience during last week’s two-hour delays. The decision to change normal school hours is never easy and is certainly
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