YMCA Before/After Care at Three Rivers

Three Rivers Elementary Families:
Although Three Rivers is no longer running a Before Care Program, the YMCA has decided to extend their aftercare services and offer a Before School option for families as well. Effective January 4th, the Aftercare Program is moving to CT Young. Additionally, their hope is to start the Before Care Program on January 4th as well, but they need enough students enrolled to do so. If you are interested in utilizing this before care option, please call Shelby at Clippard Family YMCA 513-923-4466 or email at sbechtold@myy.org. Additional details regarding the program can be found below.
About The Y’s Kids Program:
Our program is licensed through OJFS, and follow all of the state’s regulations. The purpose of our Child Care program is to meet the developmental needs of school-aged children and to serve family needs for quality care before and after school hours. The program focuses on facilitating the child’s sense of industry, promoting a sense a competence, creating an environment conducive to positive peer interaction, which encourages initiative, and supports growth of self-direction and free choice under the guidance of nurturing and caring staff. Our goal is to complement the school (not duplicate it), and to emulate a warm home setting with intellectual stimulation, supportive of the school age child’s emotional, social, cognitive, and physical developmental needs. Our program assists children in developing positive attitudes of caring, respect, honesty, and responsibility for themselves and others.
Location: The Three Rivers Y’s Kids Program is located at CT Young 401 N. Miami Ave. Cleves, OH 45002
Hours: Before school will start at 7:00 am and will be bussed to Main Campus for the start of school. Students must be dropped off no later than 8:00 am to ensure they do not miss the bus. Students will be bussed back to CT Young for the after school program and pick up must occur prior to 6:00 pm.
Before School- $35 per child/ per week
After School- $45 per child/ per week
Attend Both- $80 per child/ per week
*Sibling Discount- Pay full price for the first child and additional child(ren) receive 10% discount
Registration Fee:
$30/child or $50/family
$15/child or $30/family receiving financial assistance
Covid-19 Regulations: We will follow all of the state regulations, CDC guidelines and The YMCA has their own protocols that will be followed as well.
More Information: Call Shelby at Clippard Family YMCA 513-923-4466 or email at sbechtold@myy.org