THS Athletes Step Up for the Community

The Taylor High School football team took significant strides in community service in early June by dedicating their time and effort to help with beginning steps in establishing the William Henry Harrison Riverfront Park. Demonstrating teamwork and dedication, the team worked tirelessly to clean up garbage, tires, wood, and other debris as a critical first step in the project. The cleanup initiative marked the beginning of transforming the area into a welcoming and beautiful space. Skip Holmes, project manager, reflected on the experience by stating, “What a joy it was to see the football team ‘tackling’ the challenge of the clean up.”
Additionally, the Taylor High School boys' volleyball team showcased their commitment to community service by partnering with the Village of Cleves Beautification Committee. The team contributed by planting flowers in pots around the Village.
Both projects reflect the outstanding commitment of our student-athletes to the greater good, embodying the spirit of servant leadership. The mission of Three Rivers Local School District extends beyond the school premises, emphasizing the importance of community engagement and responsibility. These efforts underscore the district’s dedication to fostering a sense of pride and ownership among students for their community.
The Taylor High School football and boys volleyball teams’ contributions are a testament to their character and dedication.