Taylor High School Graduation

On Sunday, May 31, 2020, we will conduct a drive-thru celebration to hand students their diplomas. This event will begin promptly at noon, but we ask that all families begin arriving at 11:30 am to ensure that everyone is lined up and checked in. In order to assist us with this process, we ask that all cars have a sign on your dashboard with your child’s name and homeroom teacher. We also request that all students wear their cap and gown to this event.
Staff will be following the recommended safety and health guidelines.
Procedures for the Drive-Thru Celebration:
We ask that all seniors sit in the front seat, passenger side of their vehicles, with a parent or guardian driving;
When arriving at the building, please use the main entrance. Follow directions provided by staff to drive around the building to line up on the Elementary Side;
A Cleves Police car will be the first vehicle in the procession, and all other families will form a single file line behind;
While waiting to begin the ceremony, a volunteer will radio the name of each student so that we can properly sequence each diploma in the appropriate order. Again, prior to this event, please help us out by creating a sign on your dashboard that includes your child’s name and homeroom teacher;
To honor another Taylor High School tradition, during this wait time, all seniors will be served their senior breakfast in their vehicle;
Promptly at noon, the Cleves police will lead this line around the building so that each student is handed their diploma personally. Students may elect to exit their cars to receive their diploma or have it passed through the car window;
After receiving your diploma, please remain in line and pull forward. Following the awarding of each diploma, the lead car will begin our traditional senior sendoff, consisting of driving two laps around campus prior to exiting the facility.
*Please note that the final two laps and other events during this time will be streamed live on the TRLSD Facebook page.
We are very proud of all of our seniors and look forward to making this a memorable experience for all of them. We invite each of you to decorate your cars and make this an exciting event for our students and your family. Again, we share in the disappointment of not being able to hold a traditional ceremony but are committed to providing our students and families with a once in a lifetime event.