Taylor Grad and Entrepreneur Visits STEM Class

On January 30, 2023, Marcie Hon returned to Taylor; except this time she was the educator. Marcie is a Class of 2009 Taylor Grad who has found success in the business world as an entrepreneur. After completing five years in the University of Cincinnati’s DAAP program, Marcie ventured into the fashion industry through her vintage clothing store, Down to Mars. Marcie is also the daughter of the Three Rivers Library Specialist, Mrs. Jeana Hon. We are thankful to Mrs. Hon for helping us make the connection to Marcie so that this student opportunity could be possible.
Elementary STEM Teacher, Kelly Moorman has a unique ability to identify student interests and relate them to real-world experiences and opportunities. Students in third and fourth grade were invited by Mrs. Moorman to stay after school to meet Marcie and discuss entrepreneurship. Marcie showed pictures of her store, explained the design process when making clothing items, and answered questions. While explaining clothing design, Ms. Hon said “learning all body types is important because everybody is perfect the way they are and deserve to feel beautiful.”
Marcie explained to the group of elementary students that her love for fashion began with Barbie dolls when she was very young. Career development truly starts early in life and Mrs. Moorman and the opportunities she is exposing her students to are cultivating an environment for students to begin exploring a wide variety of career options.
This was a fantastic opportunity for the group of students who attended. Mrs. Moorman plans to continue to provide these after-school experiences in a continued effort to extend career awareness to younger students.