Street Law Field Trip
On November 7, 2022, the Taylor HS Street Law class went downtown for a field trip. They started the day with Judge Ginocchio and Bailiff BT Greene at the Hamilton County Justice Center to see the judge in action during arraignment court.
The class then walked over to visit the Hamilton County Commissioners' offices and met with Commissioner Denise Driehaus. She talked to the students about all of the things that the county is responsible for and the work they have done with FC Cincinnati, the Bengals, and the new concert venue at the Banks. We walked further down Court Street to City Hall where we met with Mayor Aftab Pureval who took students' questions about his journey through law school, various other positions he has held in the government, and the work he currently does at City Hall. It was a great day, where students saw a lot of the curriculum in action, gained life experiences, and, after 6,000 steps, experienced three field trips in one day.
A huge thanks to Mr. Driehaus, Mrs. Rudisell, and Mr. Makin for assisting with making connections and supervising the students.