Soccer Camp and Questionnaire

TRLSD Families :
Location - Rivers Edge Soccer Complex - 5255 OH-128, Cleves, OH 45002
Alert: Water Service Disruption – Three Rivers is currently without water due to a pressure issue. We are working with Neyer Plumbing but do not have a timeline for restoration. High school students are encouraged to leave, and middle/elementary parents should pick up their children as soon as possible. We will accommodate those who cannot be picked up. All afterschool activities are canceled. Families have been notified via email/phone/text.
Alert: Water Service Disruption – Three Rivers is currently without water due to a pressure issue. We are working with Neyer Plumbing but do not have a timeline for restoration. High school students are encouraged to leave, and middle/elementary parents should pick up their children as soon as possible. We will accommodate those who cannot be picked up. All afterschool activities are canceled. Families have been notified via email/phone/text.
TRLSD Families :