Senior Night

Each year the Taylor High School PTO honors the graduating class by hosting a Senior Night in the spring. This special event includes dinner, the reading and presentation of the senior
superlatives, reflections of memories submitted by the students, as well as the showing of the senior-class DVD. Senior Night-will-be held on Saturday, April 29, 2017-at 6:00 P.M. in-the Three Rivers Elementary Cafeteria.
The cafeteria will be transformed into our theme: "Life is a Beach… Enjoy the Waves!”
The senior DVD, which is shown each year at Senior Night and the Baccalaureate ceremony, is a special keepsake filled with photo memories from the students' school days. In order to create the DVD, we count on the contribution of favorite pictures from students and parents.
Deadlines for pictures, payments, and registration are coming up. Click HERE to download the form and see full details.