Patriot Pen Essay Contest

The 6th-grade students in Mrs. Henderson’s APT class participated in the Veterans of Foreign Wars AuxiliaryPatriot’sPen Essay Writing Contest. The students wrote an essay on the topic, “My Pledge to our Veterans.” Students worked hard in APT to develop their ideas and write their essays. Three students placed at the local level and won cash prizes. Our first-place essay winner moved on to the regional level. The Globetrotters VFW in Addyston was impressed with the quality of our students' essays and decided to give each student a cash prize for their wonderful writing!
The local-level winners are:
1st place: Ellie Faust
2nd place: Ainsley Argo
3rd place: Max Krimmer
Students who also received an award: Gabe Beck, Xavier Burns, Rylan Foley, Grady Glatthaar, Emily Lammers, Timmy Schrader, Isabel Tisevich