Interim Transportation Supervisor

Following Tim Wagner’s acceptance as Director of Facilities with Finneytown Schools in late October, the search for his replacement in the Transportation Department began. The decision was made that the Department could continue to thrive under the leadership of an interim supervisor through the current school year.
On November 10, 2020, Kim O’Meara was Board-approved as the Interim Transportation Supervisor through June 2021. Kim has been with the District since 2009, serving much of that time as a bus driver. In 2017, Mrs. O’Meara was given the opportunity to oversee the District routing software while continuing her role as a driver.
Kim graduated from Taylor High School and has since raised a son and daughter who are also Taylor alumni.
With her expertise as a bus driver and her knowledge of bus routing systems, Kim’s experience provides a foundation that will help her to keep the Transportation Department an exceptional service to the students of the Three Rivers Community.