Extended E-Learning

Dear Three Rivers Families,
As many of you have heard, today, April 20, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine made the official order for all of Ohio’s public, community, and private K-12 school buildings to remain closed to students for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic school year due to the COVID-19 health crisis. Please know that this means e-learning will continue throughout the remainder of this school year.
We understand this presents extended challenges to many. Please know that we are working diligently to continue our communication, online learning, food distribution, mental health services, and more to ensure our families are as supported as possible throughout this difficult time. We encourage our families to continue to check the TRLSD COVID-19 website for all updates; some immediate questions are answered below, but will also be updated on the website as continued information is made available. Please know we are doing our best to keep you updated with current information as we receive it. Please submit any additional questions in the form linked here. We will continue to update the website as questions are asked in order to keep our community informed.
Currently, the COVID-19 website has information regarding Digital Instruction, Building Newsletters, Special Education Services, Mental Health Services, Google Classroom and Symbaloo Homepage, Superintendent Updates, Technology Information, Athletics, COVID-19 Resources, and more.
The information in this email will be updated on the COVID-19 website this week as well.
TRLSD Remote Learning:
The Campus will remain closed; however, all remote learning will continue throughout the remainder of the school year. We will continue to adjust and administer our virtual learning plans and expectations and also provide student services and resources to the best of our ability. Teachers and principals will be in touch to extend learning opportunities for students.
Forward Edge is offering student device repair on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. To drop off or pick up a device, appointments are mandatory. If a student’s device needs physical attention, please email your child’s homeroom teacher so that they can set up an appointment for you to drop off the device in the elementary cafetorium entrance with Nate Shrader or Alex Reinstatler from Forward Edge. There will be a table set up directly outside and to the left of the entrance to the elementary cafetorium, which will be clearly marked. As we continue to practice social distancing, we are asking that every device dropped off is labeled with a sticky note that has the student’s name and the issue that needs to be fixed. Please note that if the weather does not permit outside setup, there will still be a staff member that will come out to your car to retrieve the device from your window.
Staff Availability:
Our staff will continue to stay connected with students, learning opportunities, food/resource distribution, and mental health services. During scheduled school days, please know that the teachers are available to answer emails to support our parents and students.
Central Office/CT Young Office Hours:
Although some essential staff will be reporting, the Three Rivers District Office is closed to the public until further notice. The central office staff is still available to assist parents via phone or email. Leave a voicemail at 513-941-6400 and your call will be returned within 24 hours. Staff will be checking and responding to their email daily.
Information regarding open enrollment will be released at a later date.
Kindergarten Registration for 2020-2021:
All students starting kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year will need to start the registration process online. Please click HERE to access the registration process now or go to the TRLSD website and click FinalForms. If parents need hard copies of the registration packets or have any questions regarding kindergarten registration, please email Nancy Herbert at nherbert@trlsd.org or Ann Miller at amiller@trlsd.org.
Board of Education Meetings:
Three Rivers Board of Education will continue to meet via Zoom meetings which will be live-streamed on the District’s Facebook Page until further notice. Upcoming meeting dates can be found on our website under the Board of Education page or the District Google Calendar.
School Facilities/Grounds Remain Closed:
Per the Governor’s orders and OHSAA, all schools, playgrounds, and athletic facilities are closed and use of our facilities by outside groups has also been suspended until further notice.
Scheduled Spring/Summer Events:
All athletics (per OHSAA guidance), field trips, overnight trips, performances, award programs, and parent-teacher conferences have been canceled through the remainder of the school year. Our high school administrators are working on options to reschedule prom pending the directives on large group gatherings.
On Friday, April 24, 2020, in addition to the “Light Up the Stadium” happening all over the Country, Taylor Athletics will be taking the celebration of our senior athletes one step further. Please join us live on Taylor Athletics’s Facebook and Twitter pages at 8:00 pm on April 24th to celebrate our senior athletes. Coaches and administrators will come together, while social distancing, to speak to the senior athletes of the class of 2020. Please feel free to comment throughout the evening by sharing your positive comments in support of these athletes!
The TMS Camp Kern and Washington D.C. trips are being rescheduled for next school year; more information to come at a later date regarding these trips and others.
The Governor and the Ohio General Assembly enacted House Bill 197 to address issues raised by the coronavirus pandemic. This legislation states that Ohio students who were on track to graduate at the time of the ordered school-building closure will be permitted to graduate on time in the Spring of 2020.
We recognize the importance and tradition of our Taylor High School graduation ceremony. We are looking at alternate options for graduation and will communicate this once a decision has been made.
Although we are creating an official announcement to honor our Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Top 8 of the Class of 2020, we wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate the following students on their academic success at Taylor High School!
THS Valedictorian: Emily Brettschneider
THS Salutatorian: Rachel Nienaber
Ranked 3rd in class: Sarah Kelley
Ranked 4th in class: Dailey Moore
Ranked 5th in class: Breanna Gratz
Ranked 6th in class: Benjamin Wessel
Ranked 7th in class: (elected to not be individually recognized)
Ranked 8th in class: Lydia Cundiff
Status of 2020-21 School Year:
No specific decisions have been made at this time on the status of our buildings being re-opened in August. The State continues to monitor the status of the COVID-19 outbreak and our ability to resume normal activities. We will communicate any updates as they are made available.
Coming Together:
We will continue to find ways to come together through all of this. We are hoping to share how everyone is working from home by using the hashtag #JacketsatHome! Please take a picture of students working creatively at home and share it on our social media pages using the hashtag! It helps to see that we are all truly in this together.
TRLSD COVID-19 Recovery Plan:
Currently, all departments and buildings are working on creating a Recovery Plan. During these unprecedented times, we need to be focused on what things will look like as we start our new normal. The Plan will cover cleaning procedures, student reentry, communication, academic goals, resource distribution, and much more throughout the upcoming spring and summer months.
Again, we are all in this together and truly appreciate our families’ and communities’ support through all of this. We are working as hard as we can to provide updates to everyone and get answers to your questions. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you and your family. We are here to help!
Three Rivers Local School District