Educator of the Year

May 2018 – The Hamilton County Education Foundation (HCEF) presented the 12th Celebrate Excellence event before an audience of over 250 educators, friends, and family on Friday, May 11, at the Sharonville Convention Center. This annual event honors the K-12 “Educators of the Year” selected by each of the twenty-four public school districts in Hamilton County, including Mason City Schools (Warren County).
Taylor High School Teacher, David Kohrs was honored at the annual Celebrate Excellence Breakfast after being named Three Rivers Local School District’s 2018 Educator of the Year.
“As Principal of Taylor High School, I have observed David’s masterful classroom management skills as well as his relentless commitment to the growth and well-being of his students”, commented Ceair Baggett.
Mr. Kohrs, a Spanish Teacher at Taylor High School is well respected by his students and his peers. In 2017, fellow teacher, Sue Diemer, nominated Mr. Kohrs for a Hero of Character Award stating, “As a veteran of the Air Force, David shows, by example, how to be respectful, how to listen, and certainly how to care for each student and each member of the high school staff.”
Mr. Kohrs is also known for his work with students outside of the classroom. For many years, he has overseen National Honor Society and has worked with students to organize the annual Shantytown to bring homeless awareness to Taylor High School. He has also helped out with a variety of inner-city, non-profit organizations.
Three Rivers has a rich history of sponsoring student trips all over the world so that students can truly understand the content they are learning. In 2017, Mr. Kohrs was one of a couple teachers who took a group of students to Costa Rica.
Three Rivers Local School District appreciates the Hamilton County Education Foundation for honoring such fantastic educators.