Caught Ya...

At Three Rivers, character education is taught from preschool through twelfth grade. It may look different based on the age level, but the importance is not lost from school to school.
In January, Three Rivers Elementary and Taylor Middle School will be honoring the students who have already received Character Awards this year during a ceremony after school. This is a tradition that has continued for years in these grade levels.
When students reach Taylor High School, the importance of good character continues. Most recently, Counselor, Katie Ryan, worked with Whitewater Crossing Church to create "Caught Ya" cards. The purpose of the cards is to recognize good character in students and acknowledge it. Character has to start somewhere, and for some, it may be as simple as receiving a nice gesture in order to later give a nice gesture.
Katie said, "Our hope is that by intentionally looking for the good, we can connect these kids to a more positive experience here at school."