An Innovative Start to the School Year in Taylor Middle School

Cleves, September 2018 – This year, Taylor Middle School kicked off the school year in a unique way. As Three Rivers Local School District welcomed students back for the 2018-2019 school year, Principal Holly Simms wanted the focus to be on positive behavior and fun. “We wanted to show the students that Taylor Middle School has rules and expectations, but also is a place where all students are welcomed and encouraged to have fun, be innovative, and use creativity to drive their education,” said Mrs. Simms.
Students spent the first-week learning rules and expectations with a program called PBIS. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavioral support ( Additionally, on Wednesday and Thursday of the first week of school, students were challenged to work as a team, utilize their leadership skills, and have fun participating in Adventure Leadership. This Program, provided by Vehicle For Change, is a high-energy platform in which students are guided through a serious of experiential learning processes. The goal of Adventure Leadership is to increase personal power and self-esteem; shift dangerous peer pressure to positive peer support; and to cultivate respect, responsibility, self-confidence and caring in the school and classroom (
Taylor Middle School students spent the two days climbing a rock wall, balancing on a high ropes course, and performing in team challenges. “No matter what time you walked out to watch the Adventure Leadership Program, there were kids laughing, challenging themselves, and building relationships with their peers and teachers. It was a really great start to the school year,” reflected Superintendent of Schools, Craig Hockenberry.
Despite the non-traditional format of the first week back to school, students were engaged and interacting with one another. Taylor Middle School student, Elayna Bender said, “Adventure leadership was a great way to be active while learning how to work together in groups.”
The students were not the only ones enjoying the day. Teacher, Rachel Thrun, said “Adventure Leadership was a day full of fun challenges and team building activities that allowed teachers and students to start getting to know each other. It was a fun experience for all!” Her students, Jack Sellet and Savannah Young, both said how much fun it was seeing their teachers enjoying the activities as well.
The hope is that this innovative start to the school year ignites positivity into the students’ entire year at Taylor Middle School.