5 Year Forecast

On Tuesday, October 24, 2017, the District’s Treasurer, Christine Poetter, presented the five-year forecast to the Three Rivers Local School District's Board of Education during the public Board meeting.
Following the presentation, Board President, Jim Murphy stated, “On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all of the members of the finance committee, our District leadership, and our staff for being such outstanding stewards of our tax dollars. The forecast is an important function of the Board of Education and a top priority for our school community. Continuously receiving the State Auditor Award confirms that we are in a great financial situation as a School District."
The forecast is an important tool to help manage our annual budget; enabling the Board of Education to make the best financial decisions for the School District.
To view the report in its entirety, visit the Treasurer’s section of the District website: https://www.threeriversschools.org/…/treasurer---finance-13/.
The information is also available on the Ohio Department of Education’s website.