In-person/Remote Learning Update

Three Rivers staff are scheduled to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday, February 12th; one step closer to five days a week of in-person learning, we hope! Many people who have previously received the vaccine have reported severe arm pain and feeling ill afterward. If this were to be the case for many of our staff members, we could face staffing concerns on Friday, February 12th. To avoid this, we are shuffling a few days around within the next two weeks to maximize instructional time.
Please see the calendar updates below:
Wednesday, February 10th: Students will attend school in-person.
- This will replace the in-person learning that will become a remote learning day on Friday, February 12th.
Friday, February 12th: Students will attend school remotely.
- This will help to avoid any issues with covering positions of staff members that feel ill.
Wednesday, February 17th: Students will attend school in-person.
- This gets students back in school after having been out five days prior due to remote learning on February 12th, the holiday on February 15th, and conferences on February 16th.
Changing the District calendar is something we try to avoid; however, we believe that this plan lessens the impact the vaccine and extended weekend will have on student learning. By offering the vaccine to staff, it is our hope that we will be able to return to in-person instruction five days a week sometime within this school year. We understand that some families may have plans that this schedule creates a conflict for; please know that we will work individually with any scheduling concerns families may have.
It has certainly been a year of flexibility and changes, but we appreciate our families’ ability to pivot in order to best accommodate student learning.
Calendar recap for the next two weeks:
8th: In-person | 15th: No School/Presidents' Day |
9th: In-person | 16th: No School/Conferences |
10th: In-person | 17th: In-person |
11th: In-person | 18th: In-person |
12th: Remote Learning | 19th: In-person |