Gifted Education

Three Rivers Local School District

Jo Henderson and Dawn Farris


Contact Information
Mrs. JoAnn Henderson     Gifted Coordinator/Teacher
Mrs. Dawn Farris   Gifted Teacher

Gifted services at Three Rivers Local School District:

Grades 2-4: Gifted students are a part of LEAP gifted resource program.

Grades 5-6: Gifted students take advanced classes for Math and/or ELA. Superior cognitive ability students also participate in APT gifted resource program.

Grades 7-8: Gifted students take advanced classes for Math and/or ELA.

Grades 9-12: Gifted students can take Honors, AP, and/or CCP courses in their gifted identified area.


What is a gifted student?

Gifted students possess unique learning abilities and talents that require special program services. Giftedness is not a single dimension of ability, but is a multi-dimensional concept; gifted students need direction to recognize their specific abilities and attain maximum development of their talents. Varied teaching strategies and program options in APT will foster a zest for learning through the development of thinking skills, research skills, creativity, and affective skills. 


How does a student qualify as "gifted"? 

Three Rivers placement into the APT program is based on the following criteria:

  • State Guidelines - a student must meet Ohio State guidelines for superior cognitive ability.
  • Test Scores - a student achieves a qualifying score on ability and achievement tests, approved as gifted identifiers by the Ohio Department of Education.


View the TRLSD Gifted Policy

View the TRLSD Gifted Plan

Three Rivers Gifted Program

View the Gifted Resources Brochure HERE

The brochure content includes:

  • Basic Needs of Gifted/Talented Students
  • Common Characteristics of Gifted/Talented Students
  • Websites on Gifted
  • Gifted Resources
  • Placement Criterion
  • Written Education Plans
  • Gifted Program Goals
  • Gifted Student Objectives
  • Homework for APT Students
  • Resources
  • APT/Leap


Program Goals to Develop:

  1. Higher-level thinking skill of application, analysis, syntheses, and evaluation
  2. The ability to think logically and critically
  3. A variety of problem-solving skills and processes
  4. Creative thinking skills and processes
  5. Required skills to conduct various types of research resulting in a variety of end  problems
  6. A variety of technology resources to enhance communication
  7. Affective skills related to self and others
  8. A sense of responsibility and pursuit.


Student Objective:

  • Analyzing information presented
  • Evaluating information using various sets of criteria
  • Distinguishing between facts and inference
  • Identifying relationships that are cause and effect
  • Brainstorming a variety of possible solutions to a given problem
  • Evaluating possible solutions using a set of criteria
  • Accepting creative and unusual thought processes
  • Developing skills of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration
  • Using a variety of methods and resources to locate information for research purposes
  • Creating a variety of end products, which result from the research process
  • Developing and maintaining healthy self-esteem
  • Evaluating personal progress and performance on an ongoing basis.