Parking Permit Information 7/1/24-5/23/25
Student parking is a privilege at Taylor High School. If a student is interested in purchasing a parking permit, they will need to begin by completing the THS Parking Permit Application for 24-25 school year, applications must be completed online. You may pay via PaySchools starting July 1st.
Please Note: students should not proceed with this process until they have obtained their license. Parking permits may be purchased at any time during the school year.
Required Documentation: in order for a student to purchase a parking permit, students must upload a copy of both their driver's license and insurance card to this form. They also need to bring a copy of their PaySchools receipt (if applicable), on the day they receive their permit.
Payment Methods: Students can pay $40 for a parking permit by cash, check (made payable to "Taylor High School"), or via PaySchools. Please go to our school website to access PaySchools, and click to select the optional parking permit fee. Again, Parking Permit Fees will go live on PaySchools on July 1st. Replacement Permits are $5.
Parking Permit Disbursement (Beginning Of The Year): Parking permits will be available for pick up on August 5 & 6, from 8:00 am - 2: pm, at the Event Entrance Courtyard.
Permits will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis to any student who paid via PaySchools, and completed this form, before August 1. These permits will begin with spots closest to the building (excluding Senior Parking). Students paying with cash or check on August 5 & 6 will be assigned permits with remaining available spots.
Parking Permit Disbursement (During The School Year): Please stop by the Security Office to obtain your permit.
Questions? Please email Nate Cole at ncole@trlsd.org or James Holland at jholland@trlsd.org.
To be approved for a parking permit you will need to furnish the following information:
A Copy Of Your Valid Drivers License.
A Copy Of Your Current Proof of Insurance.
A Copy Of Your PaySchools Receipt (if applicable).
Towing at the owner's expense:
Parked in a prohibited area, on grass or sidewalks, in a loading zone
Parked in a manner dangerous to vehicle or pedestrian traffic
Blocking Entrance/Exit to building or field
Parked in designated reserved, visitor, or staff parking areas
Double Parked
In a “Fire Zone”
In a handicapped space
In any specially designated painted or unpainted area
Permit not valid, altered, or improperly affixed
Has caused damage to school property
Has one or more unanswered traffic warnings (towed on the second violation)
Has no license plate