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Health Services

513-467-3200 ext. 1107  Fax: 513-715-0289


Devin Wilkening - 

Amanda Witterstaetter -

Health Clinic Support:

Jenny Fox

Christy Mathis 


No person employed by the Three Rivers Local Board of Education shall, in the course of such employment, administer any medication prescribed by a physician or any over the counter medication to any student enrolled in the schools of the district, except as described.

  1. For all medication: An authorization form filled out by an attending physician and signed by her/him shall accompany the medication to school.

  2. Parents shall sign a permission slip giving school personnel the authority to administer the medication to their child.

  3. All medication must be properly labeled with the name and address of the child, the name of the medication, the dosage, the time of administration, and the prescribing physician.

  4. All medication must be brought to school in the original container.

  5. No more than 30 doses of medication will be kept in school at any one time.

  6. All medication is to be taken to the principal’s office or the assistant principal’s office by an adult. No child is to keep any medication on his person during school hours or take medication without proper supervision.

  7. The medication shall be administered according to the physician’s directions as listed on the request form. The directions on the prescription label of the medication container and physician’s written request must correspond.

  8. The appropriate teacher will be informed when a child needs to take medication during school. The teacher will allow the child to be released from the classroom if/when necessary.

  9. New request forms must be submitted each school year and/or as necessary for changes in medication distribution (Board Policy 7001).

Clarification of student medication procedures:

  1. No student is to furnish medication of any kind to another student.

  2. No student is to accept medication of any kind from another student.

  3. Chronic condition students and handicapped students requiring medication are covered by Policy 7001.

  4. With the exception of approved asthma inhalers, students shall not administer any drug to themselves. They shall bring the original container to the office at the beginning of the school day. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

  5. Parental permission is required before office personnel will allow students to take these medications.

  6. Detailed building procedures shall be as approved by the principal.

  7. A student may possess and use a metered-dose inhaler or a dry powder inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms, or before exercise to prevent the onset of asthmatic symptoms if the prescribed conditions are satisfied (see Policy 7001).