Before Care Application
Before and after care are located at the Three Rivers School District's Main Campus.
Before and after care are offered to Three Rivers Elementary students in grades PK-4.
Below are links to Before Care and After Care. If you need both before AND after school care, you MUST CLICK THE BEFORE LINK AND THE AFTER LINK TO BE REGISTERED FOR BOTH PROGRAMS (select one school site). There is no option for you to be registered for both without clicking both links.
After submitting registration, you will automatically receive an email to complete enrollment forms. You may receive 2 emails per child if you signed up for both before AND aftercare, you only need to complete one form per child. It is recommended that as soon as you receive the automatic email, you complete the forms immediately. If you do not complete enrollment forms within 7 days of registration, you may be removed from the roster and your spot may be given to another child. If you do not receive the email, please reach out to us immediately.
- Part-time: 3 days or less
- Full time: 4 days or more
- Ensure you are selecting the proper rate plan/schedule.
Step 1
You will need to click each link if you need BOTH before and aftercare.
After Care click here:
Before care click here:
Once you click the links above, please log in. If you have participated before in YMCA programs and forget your password, click "forgot password" that generates an email to resets it. If you are creating an account please enter in adult information first, then add Youth. Ensure you have updated and entered all information in your account correctly (email, phone, address, and payment method).
Once you are logged in, complete registration. You will follow the steps to the end where it asks for payment. You will select a schedule for Part Time or Full Time during this step. Before going to the next step you should enroll additional child(ren) into programs.
If you only need before care, please click before care. If you need both before and aftercare, please click the aftercare link, click before and aftercare and choose the $39 option. THEN click the before care link and click before and after care and choose the $55 option.
Once you click "Pay" you will receive 2 emails, 1 with a receipt and another asking you to complete the state-licensed enrollment forms.
If you do not receive the second email with a link to the enrollment packet, please click this link to complete the packet: https://form.platoforms.com/frf4a3so3r9/
Step 2:
Check in your account under "registrations" that all needed programs are listed here.
Complete the enrollment forms link that is in the email.
If registering during the school year, once we see that your registration is complete we will give you a call to let you know your start date, as we will need time to process your paperwork before you can start.
**Please note if the program puts you on a waitlist, we will reach out to you when a spot becomes available.**
Three Rivers Before Care Representative: Beth Jackson - bjackson@trlsd.org